Page 61 - My FlipBook 1
P. 61

                                                   ENRIQUE LOPEZ
                                                   CRITICAL-CARE PHYSICIAN, PHOEBE
                                                   PUTNEY MEMORIAL HOSPITAL
                                                   Albany, Georgia
                                                                                    tilator, and a nurse came out from another
                                                   $118 BILLION: Amount the federal government
                                                                                    patient’s room and said their ventilator broke.
                                                   spent from 2011 until 2017 on protecting the
                                                   nation from health threats       I went in. The machine was spewing the
                                                   $6 BILLION: Amount that went to assisting the   patient’s ventilatory gases around the room. I
                                                   country’s network of more than six thousand   could feel it blowing in my face. I didn’t have
                                                                                    the time to put on my biohazard suit, so I just
                                                                                    put on my N95 mask. But I could smell it. I
                                                   LAST WEEK, ALBANY, Georgia, was in the   could taste it. And I was like, I’m going to die.
                                                   top five for cases per capita on the planet. We’re   It’s all you can think about as you’re trouble-
                                                   not New York. We’re a small town filled with   shooting to save this person. So do I have it now?
                                                   farmers, and doctors and nurses from the hos-
                                                                                    THE OTHER DAY, we had a patient with the
                                                   pital, and it’s a much simpler life. We got
                                                                                    same thing—their ventilator broke, and the
                                                   knocked down, and as a community we’re pick-
                                                                                    virus was spilling into the room. I put on my
                                                   ing each other back up and continuing to fight.
                                                                                    biohazard suit, so I was safe. I told the three
                                                   THE OTHER DAY, I stood in front of four-  nurses, “Don’t go in there. I’ll take care of this.”
                                                   teen monitors. I looked at those monitors, and   Doing it alone would’ve been very difficult, but
                                                   I realized that all of those patients were going   I wasn’t going to risk their lives. So I walked in,
                                                   to die and there was nothing I could do. It was   and I didn’t hear the door close, because the
                                                   this overwhelming feeling of powerlessness.   nurses walked in behind me. All of them. They
                                                   WE HUG EACH other. We’re not supposed   said, “We’re not leaving. Let’s do this.”
                                                   to, but we hug each other.       MY WIFE MADE me a little office, where I
                                                   I TRIED TO SAVE a patient today. I was walk-  have posters of my dad. He did free heart sur-
                                                   ing down the hall to check on somebody’s ven-  gery on babies in Mexico. I look at those post-
                                                                                    ers and I’m filled with pride, because I know
                                                                                    that he made a difference. I want my children
                                                   “I’m in my truck, looking at my daughter, and   to feel the same way. I may get the virus and
                                                   all I want to do is hug her,” Lopez, a father of
                                                   three, told Esquire. He’d just returned home   die, and that would be tragic, but at least I’ll
                                                   from work. “But I don’t want her to touch me.”  know that I did all I could to contribute, to make
                                                                                    a difference, and to make my family proud. In
                                                                                    our greatest time of need, I was there. —As told
                                                                                    to Brady Langmann

                                                              had some really amazing con-  “We were just having coffee this
                                                              versations with patients. I called   morning.”
                                                              this young guy, in his twenties,   I’m really disappointed in the
                                                              who had COVID. Toward the end   church.  I just feel like more
                                                              of our conversation, he was like,   priests need to be here in the
                                                              “I was not expecting this today.   trenches. Because that’s what
                                                              This was really good. Thank you   the church has told people their
                                                              so much.” We prayed together,   whole lives. And then you have
                                                              and it was really meaningful for   an eighty-year-old patient who
                                                              him—for someone to reach out   thinks these sacraments are so
        Chaplain Gerne leads nurses through a body-scan meditation held   and acknowledge his suffering  important, and they aren’t avail-
        in a serenity space, one of several throughout Mass General.
                                                              and ask if he wanted to pray.  able because of the virus.
                                                              I had a situation where a gen-  The church talks about pres-
                                                              tleman who’d been married for   ence. You can’t do confession
                   THE                   What’s so hard is that no one   over fifty years was only allowed   over the telephone. You can’t do
                   HOSPITAL              with COVID can have visitors. I   to stay with his wife for an hour.     the sacrament of the sick over
                                         find that I’m doing a lot of calls
                                                                                    the telephone.
                                                                                               We are an
                                                              [She didn’t have COVID-19.]
                   CHAPLAIN              to family members of COVID   I blessed her with holy water and   embodied faith. You need to be
                                         patients, because they’re not   said the Prayer of Commenda-  there with the person, holding
                   KATE GERNE            allowed to come in. That’s very   tion and provided spiritual sup-  their hands, anointing them with
      COURTESY SUBJECTS  SETTS GENERAL HOSPITAL  There’s sorrow. There’s grief.  port. He was at risk just by being   the oils, hearing their confes-
                   CHAPLAIN, MASSACHU-
                                         emotionally draining on me, too.
                                                                                        There’s something so
                                                              in the hospital, but he had to say
                                         My skills for doing a spiritual
                                                                                    healing about touch. I just—I will
                                                              goodbye. We were on the ele-
                                         assessment over the phone
                                                              vator walking out of the hospi-
                                                                                    never take being in a hospital for
                                                              tal together, and he was like,
                                         have definitely improved. I have
                                                                                    granted.  —As told to D. H.
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