Page 56 - My FlipBook 1
P. 56

                                       JAY INSLEE
                                       GOVERNOR OF WASHINGTON
                                       Olympia, Washington
                                       7.6 MILLION: State population
                                       JANUARY 21: Date of the first confirmed
                                       COVID-19 case in the U. S., a thirty-five-year-old
                                       man in Snohomish County

                                       AFTER OXYGEN, the most important thing
                                       is human contact.
                                       NOW WE’RE PHYSICALLY disconnected
                                       from one another. The only weapon against
                                       this virus at the moment cuts against ten thou-
                                       sand generations of human society. That’s
                                       why it’s such a devious beast.
                                       WE’ VE  HAD considerable success in our
                                       early efforts with social distancing. There’s
                                       been massive support for these efforts, even
                                       though they’re extremely difficult. We have
                                       shown grit and resilience and a commitment
                                       to one another. And we’ve shown a very
                                       strong commitment to science, to making
                                       decisions based on data, not ideology.
                                       T H E R E  S E E M S  T O  be no bottom with
                                       Donald Trump.
                    2 0  L I V E S ,   YOU ALWAYS THINK he’s reached it—vio-
                                       lating every concept of humanity, empathy,
               2 0  P E R S P E C T I V E S
                                       and truthfulness—and there’s just no bottom.
                                       He continues to astound us with his accep-  Top: “Fire Brigade,” which Inslee, a doodler,
                                                                              drew on planning documents before his April 21
                                       tance of outright deception.           announcement about mass testing and contact
                                                                              tracing, a process that he’s compared to a fire
                                       LET ME GIVE you an example. Larry Hogan   brigade. Bottom: “Grandson,” a portrait
                                       is the Republican governor of Maryland. He’s   of the governor’s grandson Chase. The whole
                                                                              family keeps in touch via daily video chats.
                                       been doing some good work for his state.
                                       He’s chairman of the National Governors
                                       Association. He’s been trying to get Trump
                                       to understand that we need more test kits
                                       so we can do more testing. Trump in his   LOOK, THERE’S ENORMOUS frustration
                W H A T                press conference yesterday said that Larry   and economic dislocation. Every Washingto-
                                       didn’t know how to get testing going in his   nian feels it. But let me do the math here, hold
                                       state, that Maryland has a whole bunch of   on just a second—okay. About one in three
                W E ’ R E              labs that Larry didn’t know about. Larry   thousand citizens has joined Trump’s crusade
                                       knows about those labs. Nobody can do the   on science.
                                       tests because we don’t have kits. Larry’s   T H E  O T H E R  9 9. 8  percent want to save
                LEARNING               been telling Trump for weeks, and instead   their families from dying of COVID-19.
                                       of listening to him, Trump goes out and lies.   —As told to Eric Sullivan
                                       About a Republican governor!
                                       N OW,  T H AT  S HOWS you the depths of                                     COURTESY SUBJECTS
                                       depravity and deceitfulness and outright inhu-
                                       manity of this person in the White House.

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