Page 64 - My FlipBook 1
P. 64

                                                                                  2020 GRAD
                                                                                  DACAVIEN REEVES
                                                                                  MOREHOUSE COLLEGE
                                                                                  19.5%: Percentage of employers who
                                                                                  have rescinded full-time job offers or
                                                                                  are considering it

              THE                  advocating for forever. You
              DISABILITY-          see artists streaming perfor-
                                   mances. You see people work-
              RIGHTS               ing remotely. When disabled
              ACTIVIST             people asked for those very
              ALICE WONG           reasonable accommoda-
              FOUNDER, DISABILITY    tions, we’ve been told, “You
              VISIBILITY PROJECT   can’t do that. It’s too hard.”
              San Francisco        Twice I was invited to be on a
              66 CENTS: The amount a worker   panel at South by Southwest,
              with a disability earns for    and each time I said, “I don’t
              every dollar a person without a
              disability earns.    travel. I want to do this via
                                   Skype.” Both times I was told     “WE        MUST           TALK          TO
                                   no. “There are too many
                                   issues.” That was the excuse!
              W H E N  T H E  PA N DE M IC  MY HOPE for coming out of    LIVES WILL BE SAVED
              began in this country, it was   this pandemic is that we
              like, “Don’t worry, it’s only   don’t return to the status
              life-threatening for those who   quo. Many don’t realize that
              are high-risk. It’s just a bad flu   “normal” was actually not
              for the rest of us.” In this crit-  great for a lot of people. Just   THE AUTOCRAT
              ical time, when scarcity is a   because all of the nondis-  WHISPERER
              reality, you see the hierarchy.   abled people go back to  FIONNUALA
              Certain groups are valued   work—or to Burning Man, or    NÍ AOLÁIN
              over others. This is the world   to Coachella—that doesn’t   UN SPECIAL RAPPORTEUR ON COUNTER-
              that so many disabled and   mean we should stop think-    TERRORISM & HUMAN RIGHTS
              chronically ill people already   ing about accessibility.  Minneapolis
              live in. Our lives are still seen   —As told to Madison Vain  70 TO 90%: Percentage of Americans willing to
                                                                        yield certain freedoms to support public mea-  EDDIE HERNANDEZ PHOTOGRAPHY (WONG). COUR-
              as expendable. Now the mag-
                                                                        sures to slow the virus
              nitude is much greater.                                                                               TESY SUBJECTS (REEVES X2, NÍ AOLÁIN).
              T H I S  PA N D E M I C  H A S
              brought about changes to
              accessibility for things that
              disabled people have been

                                                      64 SUMMER 2020
   59   60   61   62   63   64   65   66   67   68   69