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P. 197


                                               EN23201 Supplementary English

               Supplementary Subject                                                         Learning Area of  Foreign Languages
               Secondary 3 Semester 1                                                           Time Allocation 40 hours 1 credit

                        The  learning  area  of  this  course  is aimed at assisting  students  develop  their  grammar,  functional
               language,  and  vocabulary.  Students  need  to  use  them  successfully  to  communicate.  For  this  reason,  the
               speaking activities in lessons enable students to practice communicating in a real-world context through role
               plays, information gaps, interviews, surveys, discussions, and so forth. Speaking activities lead the students to
               the lesson “outcome”: a “can do” statement. Speaking practice varies in purpose and focus. And students will
               get  to  practice  using  new  grammar,  vocabulary,  and  functional  language  accurately  in  a  real-world
               situation.   Also  they  will  enhance  their  writing  skills  which  contain  practical  outcomes.  Students  will  be
               provided practice on how to write, including a writing model and practice of target language from the unit, and
               a set of initial questions to help them with content.

                       This course focuses on the students’ English proficiency with a primary emphasis on the speaking and
               writing skills through lectures by the teacher; collaborative learning groups; student-led facilitation of topics;
               online  learning;  games;  and  activities  in  order  to  allow  students  to  develop  themselves  to  their  highest
               potentiality.  Throughout  the  course,  students  should  be  able  to  use  English  language  skills  in  seeking
               knowledge and enjoyment, including ability to use technology, thinking and problem solving to become well-
               rounded and fully developed in all respects - physical, intellectual, emotional and social and develop thinking
               skills toward the 21st century.

                        The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, including love  of nation,
               religion and king, honesty  and integrity, self -discipline, avidity  for learning, observe  of principles of Sufficiency
               Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life, dedication  and commitment to work, cherishing Thai-ness, public
               mindedness and be healthy and well-balanced.

               Learning Outcomes
                   1.  Develop a clear descriptive account or narrative, expanding and supporting main points with details
                       and examples.
                   2.  Ask questions to find out detailed information and to clarify meaning and opinion on a wide range of
                       topics, including unfamiliar topics, and respond accordingly.
                   3.  Communicate with others by using proper and polite words.
                   4.  Pronounce the words clearly with grammatically correct and learn new vocabularies.
                   5.  Use mostly accurate spoken language, without making mistakes which cause misunderstanding, and
                       frequently correct their own errors.
                   6.  Explain how to prepare and deliver a speech for a special occasion.
                   7.  Recognize typical dynamics of small groups and identify effective strategies for effective collaboration.
                   8.  Identify strategies to prepare and deliver an informative speech.
                   9.  Spell familiar words accurately on a wide range of topics.
                   10.  Generate ideas, plan, write, edit and proofread extended texts independently.
                   11.  Express opinion by using polite words while talking.
                   12.  Use mostly accurate written language, without making mistakes which cause misunderstanding, and
                       frequently correct their own errors.

                Total: 12 Learning Outcomes
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