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P. 195


                                                 EN22202 Supplementary English

               Supplementary Subject                                                        Learning Area of  Foreign Languages
               Secondary 2 Semester 2                                                           Time Allocation 40 hours 1 credit

                       This course focuses on enhancing speaking and writing skills in English which is designed to help
               them improve their academic reading and writing skills to enable them to write their degree assignments in
               clear,  correct  and  coherent  English.  Students  at  this  level  are  supposed  to  have  some  foundational
               knowledge of spoken English. With Speaking, students will be able to practise through a variety of speaking
               genres  including,  but  not  limited  to,  a  formal  presentation,  impromptu  speech,  small  talk,  telephone
               conversation, oral summary, lesson presentation, and news story. The following language areas are targeted:
               speaking  accuracy,  fluency,  complexity,  and  pronunciation.  With  writing,  students  will  write  for  implicit
               meaning, and look at the importance of structure, style and viewpoint when describing an event. The
               writing activities include a variety of topics based on each unit by providing good structures in words that
               might lead them to construct good sentences in a wide range of written works. In parallel, it deals with the
               organizational elements of an academic lecture with writing comprehension tasks.

                       This course focuses on the students’ English proficiency with a primary emphasis on the speaking
                and writing skills through lectures by the teacher; collaborative learning groups; student-led facilitation of
                topics; online learning; games; and activities in order to allow students to develop themselves to their
                highest potentiality. Throughout the course, students should be able to use English language skills in
                seeking knowledge and enjoyment, including ability to use technology, thinking and problem solving to
                become well-rounded and fully developed in all respects - physical, intellectual, emotional and social
                and develop thinking skills toward the 21st century.

                        The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, including love  of nation,
               religion  and  king,  honesty   and  integrity,  self  -discipline,  avidity   for  learning,  observe   of  principles  of
               Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life, dedication  and commitment to work, cherishing Thai-
               ness, public mindedness and be healthy and well-balanced.

                Learning Outcomes

                   1.  Engage in a conversation and contribute effectively to help move the conversation forward.
                   2.  Identify the main idea, analyze the essence, interpret and express opinions from listening to and
                       reading texts.
                   3.  Explain/discuss  the  lifestyles,  thoughts,  beliefs  and  origins  of  customs  and  traditions  of  native
                       speakers and those of Thais.
                   4.  Explain and justify their own point of view on a range of general and curricular topics
                   5.  Interact with peers to negotiate classroom tasks
                   6.  Write with moderate grammatical accuracy on a limited range of general and curricular topics, with
                       some support.
                   7.  Use mostly accurate written language, with occasional mistakes, and begin to correct their own
                   8.  Employ and control a variety of vocabulary and grammatical structures data/ideas/opinions clearly,
                       accurately and effectively in both speaking and writing forms.
                   9.  Ask questions to clarify meaning on a wide range of general and curricular topics.
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