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P. 190


                                            EN20203 Mastering English Pronunciation

               Supplementary Subject                                                                Learning Area of Foreign Languages

               Level M.1 Semester 1                                                                                              20 Periods/ 0.5 Credit

                       The learning area of this course is aimed at assisting students to produce clearer, more understandable
               English in order to communicate more freely, easily and effectively. Throughout the course students will learn
               about and practice correct articulation and the phonology of consonant and vowel sounds as well as combined
               letter sounds. They will learn about and practice correct word intonation and word and sentence stresses. The
               students will also learn about and practice the rules of English pronunciation and how connected speech changes
               previously learned words when combined in sentences. The students will learn about and practice speech prosody
               and how to regulate and adjust the ‘melody’ of their spoken English to help them to convey emotion, sarcasm,
               humour, suspense and energy as well as clearly defining statements from questions. They will also learn about the
               use  of  Augmentative  and  alternative  communication  methods  to  add  life  and  vigour  to  uttered  speech.  The
               students will gain confidence in reading and speaking English in different contexts using multiple media such as
               excerpts of texts, short stories, poems, songs, news articles and media reports.

                       The  teaching  procedures  introduced  in  this  course  focus  on  the  production  of  clear,  understandable
               spoken English using lectures by the teacher, collaborative learning groups, performance of written pieces by the
               teacher to model effective vocal communication, student-led selection of practice pieces of texts for the students
               to share using spoken English. Students will be encouraged to develop to their highest potential through selections
               of texts that interest them. Students will use their drive towards knowledge and enjoyment to engage with the
               English Language. In this course students should be able to use critical thinking, technology and problem solving
               skills to improve their language skills. This course will endeavour to exercise the student’s physical, intellectual,
               emotional and social development as we embrace the 21  century.
                       The course also instills in students the desirable characteristics of love of nation, religion and king, honesty
               and integrity the desirable characteristics of love of nation, religion and king, honesty and integrity, self-discipline,
               avidity for learning, self-sufficiency, dedication and commitment to work, cherishing Thai-ness, public mindedness
               and to be healthy and well balanced.

               Learning Outcomes

                   1.  Pronounce most words and phrases clearly, generally using intonation and stress at word, phrase and
                       sentence level appropriately.
                   2.  Produce clear speech using stress at word, phrase and sentence level appropriately.
                   3.  Give spoken opinions on a range of topics related to climate change.
                   4.  Ask questions to find out detailed information and to clarify meaning and opinion on a wide range of
                       topics related to climate change.
                   5.  Use a range of questions of different tense and modal forms on a wide range of topics related to climate
                   6.  Use, with support, the correct style and appropriate responses to a range of verbal genres.
                   7.  Pronounce contractions, plurals and numbers clearly and distinctly paying attention to the production of
                       end sounds.
                   8.  Use intonation to correctly and clearly verbalize questions and statements.
                   9.  Use the speech patterns of native speakers, including reductions and contractions, to produce natural
                       sounding speech.
                   10.  Produce a well-spoken, easily understandable paragraph of spoken English on a chosen topic.

               Total 10 Learning Outcomes
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