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               รายวิชาเพิ่มเติม                                                   กลุ่มสาระการเรียนรู้ภาษาต่างประเทศ
               ระดับชั้นมัธยมศึกษาปีที่ 1  ภาคเรียนที่ 1                              เวลาเรียน 20 ชั่วโมง  จ านวน  0.5 หน่วยกิต

                       The learning idea of this course is aimed at assisting students enhance their reading skills and
               develop  their  grammar,  functional  language,  and  vocabulary.  They  can  absorb  and  learn  more
               vocabularies . The students can widen their vocabulary in this course. Every unit of this course begins with
               learning a useful vocabulary. The reading practice varies in purpose and allows students practice using new
               grammar and vocabulary in a real world situation. Reading exercises focus on comprehension, vocabulary
               development, and study skills. It also targets the refinement of study skills and the development of critical
               The teaching procedures introduced in this course focus on the language learning process through reading
               skills,  lectures  by  the  teacher,  collaborative  learning  groups;  students-led  facilitation  of  topics;  online
               learning;  games;  and  activities  in  order  to  allow  students  to  develop  themselves  to  their  highest
               potentiality. Throughout  the course,  students should  be  able to  use English  language skills  in  seeking
               knowledge and enjoyment, including ability to use technology, thinking and problem solving to become
               well-rounded and use these skills in daily life situations and develop their thinking skills towards the 21st
               The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, including love of nation, religion
               and  king,  honesty  and  integrity,  self-discipline,  avidity  for  learning,  observe  of  principles  of  Sufficiency
               Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life, dedication and commitment to work, cherishing Thai-ness, public
               mindedness and be healthy and well-balanced.

               Learning outcomes
                   1. Read a limited range of extended fiction and non-fiction texts, on familiar and some unfamiliar
                     general and curricular topics, with confidence and enjoyment.
                   2. Read an increase from context and understand some implied meaning, with support, in short
                       and extended texts.
                   3. Identify the main idea, analyze the essence, interpret and express opinions from reading texts.
                   4. Read with a question in mind, which requires students to skim and scan during reading.
                   5. Learn about cause-and-effect and introductory paragraphs.
                   6. Learn about suggestions and process paragraph.
                   7. Produce accurate vocabulary and correct word forms.
                   8. Pronounce the words clearly with grammatically correct and learn new vocabularies.
                   9. Determine the meaning of the words as they used in the text.
                   10.Use polite expressions in appropriate ways.

               Total : 10 Learning Outcomes

                                                        อ20206  Sentence Composition and writing
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