Page 188 - เล่ม 65 ม.ต้น หลักสูตรสถานศึกษาโรงเรียนมงฟอร์ต
P. 188


               Supplementary Subject                                                                 Learning Area of  Foreign
               Languages   Secondary 1 Semester 1                                             Time Allocation 40 hours 1 credit

                        Students  will  effectively  learn  and  understand  English  use  in  daily  life.  This  subject
               provides  content-rich topics in every unit, extensive opportunities to practice natural English, integrated
               skills,  and  a  wide  variety  of  engaging  speaking  and  writing  activities.  The  course  mostly  focuses  on  a
               communicative methodology combined with a framework of language learning outcomes. The students will
               be able to learn language skills, and competencies needed to carry out a communication speaking activity
               at the end of each lesson and to achieve a practical learning outcome. For writing skills, students will learn
               by copying familiar words and short phrases. Write sentences and simple phrases about himself or herself
               and others, for example, where they live or what they do. Write name, nationality, address. Write a short
               simple postcard.

                       The teaching procedures introduced in this course focus on the language learning process; lectures
               by the teacher; collaborative learning groups; student-led facilitation of topics; online learning; games; and
               activities in order to allow students to develop themselves to their highest potentiality. Throughout the
               course,  students  should  be  able  to  use  English  language  skills  in  seeking  knowledge  and  enjoyment,
               including  ability  to  use  technology,  thinking  and  problem  solving  to  become  well-rounded  and  fully
               developed in all respects - physical, intellectual, emotional and social and develop thinking skills toward
               the 21st century.

                        The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, including love  of nation,
               religion  and  king,  honesty   and  integrity,  self  -discipline,  avidity   for  learning,  observe   of  principles  of
               Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s way of life, dedication  and commitment to work, cherishing Thai-
               ness, public mindedness and be healthy and well-balanced.

                Learning Outcomes
                   1.  Describe people, places and objects, and past and present actions and events [real and imagined.
                   2.  Ask questions to find out detailed information and to clarify meaning and opinion on a wide range
                       of topics, including a limited range of unfamiliar topics, and respond accordingly.
                   3.  Pronounce most words and phrases clearly; generally use intonation and place stress at word,
                       phrase and sentence level appropriately.
                   4.  Produce and maintain stretches of language comprehensively, allowing for occasional hesitation
                       and reformulation, especially in longer stretches of free production.
                   5.  Use mostly accurate spoken language, allowing for occasional mistakes.
                   6.  Develop a clear descriptive account or narrative, expanding and supporting main points with details
                       and examples.
                   7.  Use mostly accurate spoken language, with occasional mistakes, and begin to correct their own
                   8.  Spell familiar words accurately on an increasing range of topics.
                   9.  Use, with support, style and register appropriate to a range of written genres.
                   10. Punctuate extended texts with some accuracy when writing independently.

               Total: 10 Learning Outcomes
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