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                                           MA21201   Supplementary Mathematics

               Supplementary Subject                                                Learning Area of Mathematics
               Secondary 1 Semester    1                                            Time  40  Periods  1 Credit

                    An ability to understand and be able to use Integers and Fraction add, subtract and use the process to
               solve word problem in daily life, understand the Place value of numbers and decimals, can use ordering
               and rounding decimals applied to daily life, use Percentages, conversed and use relations with decimals,
               fractions  and  percent,  understand  the  Ratio  and  proportion  use  them  in  daily  life.  Find  the  Angles,
               understand  the  properties  of  triangle  and  quadrilateral,  draw  the  Symmetry  Length,  calculated  mass
               capacity and time, calculate Area, perimeter and volume and applied to daily life.
                     This subject uses knowledge and understanding creating process, working process, analysis process,
               grouping process and problem solving process in teaching and studying.
                     The  knowledge and the processes are designed to develop the students’ desirable characteristics
               which  are  love  of  nation,  religion  and  king,  Honesty  and  integrity,  Self-discipline,  Avidity  for  learning,
               Observance of principles of Sufficiency Economy Philosophy in one’s way life, Dedication and commitment
               to work, Cherishing Thai-ness, Public-mindedness and Health and aesthetic images.

               Learning Outcomes
                   1.  Use negative numbers, Add and subtracting negative numbers. Find the multiples factors and tests
                       for divisibility, prime numbers, squares and square roots.
                   2.  Simplify  fractions,  recognis  equivalent  fractions,  decimals  and  percentages,  compare  fractions
                       Improper fractions and mixed numbers. Add and subtracting fractions, find fractions of a quantity
                       and find remainders.
                   3.  Understand  decimals,  Multiply  and  divide  by  10,100  and  1000.  Order  decimals,  round,  add,
                       subtract, multiply, divide, estimate and approximae decimals.
                   4.  Simple percentages, calculate, compare quantities, simplify ratios, share in a ratio and use direct
                   5.  Label and estimate angles, draw and measure angles, calculate angles and solve angle problems.
                   6.  Recognise and describing 2D shapes and solids, line symmetry, rotational symmetry, Symmetry
                       properties of triangles, special quadrilaterals and polygons.
                   7.  Know  metric  units,  choosing  suitable  units  and  Read  scales,  the  12-hour  and  24-hour  clock,
                       timetables, real-life graphs.
                   8.  Convert between units for area,  calculate the area and perimeter of rectangles,  the area and
                       perimeter of compound shapes, the volume of cuboids and the surface area of cubes and cuboids.

               Total  8  Learning Outcomes
   37   38   39   40   41   42   43   44   45   46   47