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P. 247


                                                 SO30212 Global Perspective
               Supplementary Subject                                       Social Studies, Religion and Culture
               Secondary 4 Semester 2                                      Time Allocation 20 hours 0.5 credit

                      Cambridge Global Perspectives is a unique, transformational programme that helps students at
               every stage of school education develop outstanding transferable skills, including critical thinking, research
               and collaboration. The emphasis is on developing students’ ability to think critically about a range of global
               issues where there is always more than one point of view. This course will provide the students to enquire
               into, and reflect on, global topics and issues from different perspectives.These will allow students to practice
               skills  they  have  acquired  and  developed  throughout  the  lesson.  The  students  will  develop  their
               independent learning skills so that they will be able to work confidently on their own. One of the chapters
               of the lesson will focus on developing the following independent learning skills: memory, reflection, and
               evaluation. The students will be able to evaluate sources when they are searching for information. They
               will evaluate source materials and evidence to support claims, arguments and perspectives. The students
               will also be introduced to developing collaboration skills that will enable them to work in pairs and in
               groups. In this part of the course, students will be assessed as a group or pair. The students will develop
               making decisions as a whole or group. They will have a team project that focuses on issues with one of the
               eight global topics that will allow them to explore and communicate different cultural perspectives. The
               students will also develop communication skills to speak confidently for different purposes.
                      By using the process of thinking capacity, communication capacity, problem-solving capacity and
               capacity for applying life skills, the students improve themselves and become better generally. The students
               would develop vital skills in analysis, problem-solving by going through the processes of developing the
               knowledge acquired with the lesson and use these skills in daily life situations and develop thinking skills
               toward the 21st century.
                      In order to develop the students’ desirable characteristics such as love of nation, religion, and king,
               honesty and integrity, self discipline, avidity for learning, observance of principles of Sufficiency Economy
               Philosophy  in  one’s  way  of  life,  dedication  and  commitment  to  work,  cherishing  Thai-ness,  public-
               mindedness and be health and well-balanced in general while learning the lesson.

               Learning Outcomes
                   1.   Understand a little more about our brain works
                   2.   Remember more easily what you have done, seen and heard
                   3.  Make useful notes to aid your understanding of what have you done, seen and heard
                   4.  Reflect what they have done, seen and heard
                   5.  Evaluate what they have done, seen and heard
                   6.  Understand the  benefits of teamwork
                   7.  Identify the roles and characteristics needed for effective teamwork
                   8.  Be able to work efficiently
                   9.  Be able to make decision easily
                   10. Be able to express yourself creatively
                   11.   Understand the importance of developing communication skills
                   12. Identify the main points, gist and detail from written and spoken texts
                   13. Produce written summaries, paragraphs and conclusions
                   14. Speak confidently for different purposes
               Total 13 Learning Outcomes

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