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P. 246
SO30211 Global Perspective
Supplementary Subject Social Studies, Religion and Culture
Secondary 4 Semester 1 Time Allocation 20 hours 0.5 credit
Cambridge Global Perspectives is a unique, transformational programme that helps students at
every stage of school education develop outstanding transferable skills, including information skills, critical
thinking skills, and independent learning skills. The objective of this course is in order for the students
to identify perspectives and viewpoints from written and spoken sources and use their own work. This
course will provide the students to enquire into, and reflect on, global topics and issues from different
perspectives. Each lesson has fully differentiated practice sections at developing, establishing and
enhancing levels. In this course, students will be able to solve problems, answer questions, plan, find valid
evidence and draw conclusions. They will be able to develop a clear and sensible line of reasoning. This
course will help them to deal with information and problems that they are studying and beyond.They will
develop independent learning skills to feel more confident as an independent learner. It is about equipping
the students to deal with information and problems that arise in real life situations.
By using the process of thinking capacity, communication capacity, problem-solving capacity and
capacity for applying life skills, the students improve themselves and become better generally. The students
would develop vital skills in analysis, problem-solving by going through the processes of developing the
knowledge acquired with the lesson and use these skills in daily life situations and develop thinking skills
toward the 21st century.
In order to develop the students’ desirable characteristics such as love of nation, religion, and king,
honesty and integrity, self discipline, avidity for learning, observance of principles of Sufficiency Economy
Philosophy in one’s way of life, dedication and commitment to work, cherishing Thai-ness, public-
mindedness and be health and well-balanced in general while learning the lesson.
Learning Outcomes
1. Understand the importance of developing information skills
2. Identify perspectives and viewpoints
3. Create SMART plans
4. Ask and answer variety of questions
5. Develop a clear and sensible line of reasoning
6. Draw conclusions from the information given
7. Identify problems, facts, opinions and predictions
8. Apply problem-solving techniques to issues that arise
9. Understand the importance of developing critical thinking skills
10. Develop clear and sensible line of reasoning
11. Evaluate a line of reasoning, evidence, claims and conclusions
12. Draw conclusions from information given
13. Identify and explain what facts, opinions, predictions and value judgements are
Total 13 Learning Outcomes
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