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P. 306
OC30201 Business Tourism
Supplementary Subject Learning Area of Occupation
Level M.4 Semester 1 60 Periods : 1.5 Credits
The learning area of this course is aimed at increasing significance of business tourism internationally
and particularly the growth of the global sector tourism context, to examine the role the exhibition industry
within the business tourism sector globally. Understanding of the travel and tourism industry. Theoretical
knowledge of the industry and related sectors, including knowledge of travel and tourism products and
services, the infrastructure on which they depend, and the transport system needed to operate them.
Practical ability in a range of skills and procedures related to working in the travel and tourism industry,
including knowledge of the essential personal and professional skills required by individuals working in the
service sector. Critical awareness of the physical, social, and economic environments in which travel, and
tourism takes place, including understanding of the global, regional and local perspectives of travel and
tourism and develop their thinking skills towards the 21st century.
The teaching procedures introduced in this course focus on problem solving, decision making and
working process. Learning educational games and activities can be used to teach students how to apply
concepts and theories to topics related to tourism. Rules for playing learning games are suggested along
with sample games involving the typology, signs and semiotic theory, the relation of myth to everyday life
and travel, and Freud's structural hypothesis. Recall select and present relevant information. Demonstrate
and apply knowledge with understanding of the correct use of the following in the travel and tourism
industry: commonplace terms, definitions and facts, major concepts, models, patterns, principles and
theories. Throughout the course students can collect evidence from both local and international sources,
under guidance or independently, and be aware of the limitations of the various collection methods. Apply
knowledge and understanding to select relevant data, recognise patterns and analyse evidence in travel
and tourism manner.
The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, including knowledge in
tourism context, professionalism, strong sense of ethics and values, high communication skills, critical
thinking and problem solving skills, leadership, teamwork, good confidence, decisiveness, fairness,
enthusiasm, knowledge, creativity and being healthy and well-balanced.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Communicate their ideas and opinions in an accurate, concise, and logical manner in travel and
tourism perception.
2. Contextualize tourism within broader cultural, environmental, political, and economic dimensions
of society.
3. Critique tourism practices for their implications locally and globally.
4. Interpret and evaluate tourism as a phenomenon and as a business system.
5. Explain the diverse nature of tourism, including culture and place, global/local perspectives, and
experience design and provision.
6. Identify and assess relationships and networks relative to building tourism capacity.
7. Apply relevant technology for the production and management of tourism experiences.
8. Plan, lead, organize and control resources for effective and efficient tourism operations.
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