Page 315 - เล่ม 65 ม.ปลาย หลักสูตรสถานศึกษาโรงเรียนมงฟอร์ต
P. 315


               8.  Demonstrate progressive affective domain development of values, including but not limited to receiving
                   and responding to the role of accounting in society, business ethics, environmental and global societal
                   sustainability, and/or career opportunities.   In advanced accounting courses beyond the introductory
                   level, affective development will also progress to the valuing and organization levels.
              9.  Learn relevant financial accounting career skills, applying both quantitative and qualitative knowledge to
                  their future careers in business.
              10. Learn relevant managerial accounting career skills, applying both quantitative and qualitative knowledge
                  to their future careers in business.
              11. Complete  a  Project/  Written  Assignment  that  integrates  career  orientation  and  or  professional
                  development skills.
              12. Demonstrate knowledge of various advanced accounting issues related to Financial Accounting within a
                  global and or ethical framework.

               Total:   12 Learning Outcomes

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