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P. 316
Supplementary Subject Learning Area of Occupation
Level M.5 Semester 2 60 Periods : 1.5 Credits
The learning area of this course is aimed at applying their knowledge and critical understanding to
current issues and problems in a wide range of business contexts. Make effective use of relevant terminology,
concepts, and methods, and recognise the strengths and limitations of the ideas used in business. This
course introduces the students to understanding of business activity in the public and private sectors, and
the importance of innovation and change. Learners find out how the major types of business organization
are established, financed and run, and how their activities are regulated. Factors influencing business
decision-making are also considered, as are the essential values of cooperation and interdependence and
develop their thinking skills towards the 21st century.
The teaching procedures introduced in this course focus on knowledge and understanding, decision
making, problem solving and analysis process. It is designed to stimulate, to create exciting and meaningful
teaching tactics and schemes by enabling to choose relevant and purposeful activities and teaching
strategies. Throughout the course students will be able to figure out how a business works from
understanding business activity, people in business and marketing styles. It will reinforce them to do role
play, simulations, and business games. It is also including basic research based individual/ group projects.
The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, including self-awareness,
decisiveness, fairness, enthusiasm, knowledge, creativity, broad imagination, a strong sense of ethics,
integrity, accuracy, organizational skills, sense of accountability, team player, business minded, marketing
skills and being healthy and well-balanced.
Course Learning Outcomes
1. Apply analytical and problem-solving skills in the functional areas of accounting; marketing; finance
and management.
2. Demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the ethical, legal, and social obligations and
responsibilities of business.
3. Apply ethical principles in the business environment with people of diverse ethnic, cultural, gender
and other backgrounds.
4. Communicate effectively in business manner.
5. Apply the knowledge of business concepts and function in an integrated manner.
6. Enhance their marketing skills.
7. Adjust themselves in decision making in terms of economic decision.
8. Demonstrate written communication skills appropriate for business situations.
9. Create and effectively deliver oral presentations.
10. Demonstrate effective interpersonal skills and the ability to work effectively in teams of diverse
11. Demonstrate the ability to apply theories and methods to the solution of common types of
problems related to their academic field of study.
12. Apply business skills in an ethical context.
Total: 12 Learning Outcomes
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