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P. 319


                                              OC30208  Entrepreneurial Skills

               Supplementary Subject                                             Learning Area of Occupation

               Level:  M. 6   Semester 2                                                60 periods: 1.5 credis

                      The learning area of this course target the following topics: Financial Management and Practicum
               covering  many  sectors,  so as to  prepare the students  for  GPAT,  Entrepreneurship  and  Small  Business
               Certification (ESBC) examination, on top of university entrance examinations, and future enterprise(s). The
               course validates the students with the skills and knowledge for working in a middle-skill trade profession as
               their own boss and those with entrepreneurship and small business career aspirations, with understanding
               of core business principles, including the essentials of launching and maintaining a successful company,
               ensuring tomorrow’s leaders are prepared with the toolkit they need to get ahead in today’s competitive
               landscape, and developing their thinking skills towards Innovative Education and New Normal Business of
               the 21  Century.
                      The teaching procedures introduced in this course focus on the entrepreneurial process from start
               to growing (not end but more growth); lectures and tutorials; collaborative learning teams; student-led
               facilitation of topics; outline learning; games, activities, identification and scenarios; community involvement
               and field trips that will encourage and motivate students to develop their potentials. Throughout the series,
               students  should  be  able  to  use  such  entrepreneurship  skills,  especially  the  final  part  of  financial
               management, to build up as exemplary leaders in business with new ideas and ways, and ethical values and
               attitudes, acquiring intelligence and happiness towards excellence, including the ability to identify both
               similar and different varieties of businesses and services, as well as self-assessment, deep thinking and
               problem-solving – all with physical, intellectual, emotional and social well-being.

                      The course also enables students to instill the desirable characteristics, including improvement in
               academic performance and school attendance, interest in attending university, increase in occupational
               aspirations (with practicum), and great leadership behavior. It also nurtures students into exemplary leaders,
               thinking scholars, responsible citizens, enthusiastic sportsmen, principled setters, moral civilians, healthy
               minds and shapes, and overall well-balanced beings.

               Course Learning Outcomes
                    1.   Interpret  basic  financial  statements  such  as  Income  Statement,  Balance  Sheet,  Cash  Flow
                       Statement, and Statement of Shareholder Equity.
                    2.   Understand the history of these statements and the need for them, and how these financial forms
                       relate to financial accounting and managerial accounting.
                    3.   Identify and understand the factors that influence credit ratings and the importance of a positive
                       credit rating, as well as the consequences of a higher or lower credit rating score.
                    4.   Identify which are fixed versus variable.
                    5.   Identify the factors that impact the price to a customer as well as understand supply and demand
                    6.   Identify,  understand  and  analyze  cash  flow  including  accounts  receivable,  accounts  payable,
                       inventory, and debt.
                    7.   Understand the importance of proper cash flow management, and create a cash flow budget.

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