Page 318 - เล่ม 65 ม.ปลาย หลักสูตรสถานศึกษาโรงเรียนมงฟอร์ต
P. 318


                    8.  Operate a business with key positions and human capital needs – whether work can be completed
                       by the owner or whether employees or service providers are needed; not forgetting taxes,
                       intellectual property issues of trademarks, copyrights, and patents.
                    9.  Follow standard operating procedures, leading to sustainability, and set a milestone as part of a
                       growth strategy.
                   10.  Handle marketing and sales with a successful strategy, including the costs/benefits of finding
                       customers, retaining customers and developing a relationship with repeat customers via web
                       sites, brochures, social media, and advertising.

               Total:  10 Learning Outcomes

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