Page 11 - Nevada Relocation Guide
P. 11

       Relocation Guide


       College of Southern Nevada
       Cheyenne Campus
       3200 East Cheyenne Ave.,NLV
       (702) 651-4000
       Henderson Campus
       700 College Drive, HD
       (702) 651-3000
       West Charleston Campus
       6375 West Charleston Blvd., LV
       (702) 651-5000
       For additional campuses visit:        college helps address Nevada’s need for   The University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV),                           increased access to higher education for   a premier urban university with more than 40
                                             students entering the higher education system   years  of  community  service,  is  in  the  midst
       Founded in 1971, CSN is Nevada’s largest   and for students transferring from the state’s   of a 10-year, campus wide planning effort.
       institution of higher education and the 4th   community colleges.           New university buildings include a fi ve-story,
       largest community college of its kind in the                                $55 million library. In 1998, UNLV joined
       nation. CSN operates in over 50 locations   Nova Southeastern University    the ranks of only 165 universities in America
       including 3 main campuses and 12 learning   (NSU)                           offering a law school, and recently opened a
       centers in 4 counties covering 42,000   8945 West Russell Road              new school of dentistry.
       square miles. With student success as our   Las Vegas, NV 89148
       number one priority, CSN educates over   (702) 365-6682                     UNLV has proudly served the area as an
       35,000 students each semester, wherein they                                 educational cornerstone for 40 years. The
       can choose from more than 200 degree and   NSU, based in  Fort Lauderdale,  Florida,   college houses more than 30 research centers
       certifi cate options in more than 120 areas of   awards bachelor’s, master’s, educational   and offers 195 undergraduate, master’s and
       study, including 30 degree and certifi cate   specialist,  doctoral,  and  professional  doctoral degree  programs, in such areas
       programs available exclusively online.  Their   degrees in such fi elds as business, computer   as architecture, business and economics,
       mission ensures that they serve the diverse   and information technologies, education,   communications,  education,  engineering,
       needs of the residents of Southern Nevada   health sciences, and psychology. Through its   health sciences, hotel administration, human
       by responding to the educational needs of   distance learning programs, NSU reaches   performance and development, liberal
       the communities and businesses within the   Las Vegas-area students via traditional  and   and performing arts, and science and
       CSN service area.                     virtual classroom settings.           mathematics. New  degree programs include
                                                                                   a doctor of musical arts and a master of
       Nevada State College (NSC)            Regis University                      fi ne arts in screen writing. For the fall 2005
       1125 Nevada State Dr., HD             1401 North Green Valley Pkwy., HD     semester, UNLV’s enrollment exceeded
       (702) 992-2000                        (702) 990-0375                        28,095 full-time students,. The campus also                                   welcomed 1,400 Millennium Scholars,

       Nevada State College is a comprehensive   This Jesuit school has been named a top-tier   Nevada high school students who performed
       baccalaureate institution of higher learning.   university by U.S. News & World Report   at or near the top of their class.
       A member college of the University and   magazine. Regis offers bachelor’s and   UNLV  courses  are  now  offered  at  CSN’s
       Community College System of Nevada,   master’s degrees in business, education,   Henderson campus (700 College Drive)
       Nevada State College is dedicated to   liberal studies, and teacher licensure.   and at the new Foothill High School, located
       providing  quality  educational,  social,  Online, adult study, and evening classes   across the street from the Community College.
       cultural,  economic,  and  civic  advancement   are available.              As Southern Nevada grows, UNLV grows
       for the citizens of Nevada. Through students-                               with it. The size of the Honors College has
       centered learning, Nevada State College   University of Nevada, Las Vegas   doubled in the past three years. The university
       emphasizes and values: exceptional teaching,   (UNLV)                       opened the Paul B. Sogg Architecture
       mentoring, advisement, scholarship, career   4505 Maryland Pkwy., Bldg. C, Box 451029   Building in fall 1997; the new William S.
       and personal advancement, continuing   Las Vegas, NV • (702) 895-3011       Boyd School of Law welcomed its fi rst class
       education, and service to our community. The
                                                                                   in August 1998; and the Stan Filton Building
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