Page 12 - Nevada Relocation Guide
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LAS VEGAS...                                                   Relocation Guide

                                       HIGHER EDUCATION INFORMATION

       opened  in  2000;  housing  the  university’s  Northwest Campus           American Racing Academy
       gaming education courses.            7951 Deer Springs Wy., Suite. 150, LV  7055 Speedway Blvd., #E-102, LV
       A $55 million library, which opened in   (702) 638-7279                   1-877-463-7223
       January 2001, comprises the most expensive
       public works building project in Nevada’s  A private, accredited institution with some   Century 21 Real Estate Academy
       history. It will house some 1.8 million volumes  1,400 students, the University of Phoenix
       and  already  ranks  among  the nations  most  offers undergraduate and graduate degrees   3300 East Flamingo Rd., Suite 25, LV
       technologically advanced libraries.  in education and business-related fi elds.   1-900-446-2900
                                            Bachelor’s degrees may be obtained in   Crescent School of Gaming & Bartending
       University of Nevada                 management, administration, or information   4180 South Sandhill Rd., Suite B-8, LV
       School of Medicine (UNSOM)           systems; master’s degree courses are offered   (702) 458-9910
       2040 West Charleston Blvd.           in organizational management, business
       Las Vegas, NV 89102                  administration, and education/counseling;  ITT Technical Institute
       (702) 671-2230                       and a postbaccalaureate program is offered  168 N. Gibson Rd., HD              for a teacher/education certifi cate.  (702) 558-5404
       Established in 1969, UNSOM is a university-  Charter Schools              Kaplan College
       based, community-integrated medical school.
       Patients, facilities, and staff of affi liated   In 1997, the state legislature passed laws   3535 W. Sahara Ave., LV
       hospitals and clinics throughout Nevada   allowing for the formation of charter schools  (702) 368-2338
       provide a broad educational base for the   in the State of Nevada. Although sponsored   Las Vegas School of Insurance
       school’s clinical curriculum.        by the local school district, charter schools   1771 E. Flamingo Rd.
                                            maintain  their  own  board of directors and
       Approximately 200 medical students and   operate independent of the district’s policies   Las Vegas, NV 89119
       more than 80 resident physicians are currently   and regulations.         (702) 871-1365
       enrolled in the school. UNSOM offers
       residency programs in family practice, internal   Charter schools are required to abide by  Le Cordon Bleu College of Culinary Arts
       medicine, obstetrics/ gynecology, surgery,   state and county laws, but are given a great  1451 Center Crossing Rd., LV
       psychiatry, and pediatrics. Each department   deal of latitude in the day-to-day operation  (702) 365-7690
       provides training, with a special emphasis on   of the school. The purpose of such alternative
       comprehensive and long-term care, under the   education is to improve education via a   Nevada Career Institute
       guidance of faculty committed to the primary   setting where innovation, experimentation   (702) 893-3300 (Both Locations)
       care philosophy. In addition to the Las Vegas   and research can identify effective methods of   East Campus
       campus, UNSOM clinics dot the city, offering   instruction and then share those fi ndings with   3025 E. Desert Inn Rd., Suite A, LV
       state-of-the-art, research-based  treatment   more traditional classroom programs.
       programs in general medicine and most                                     West Campus
       medical specialties.                       JUNIOR COLLEGES                3231 N. Decatur Blvd., Suite 250, LV
       University of Phoenix                        VOCATIONAL/                  Quality Technical Training Center

       Main Campus                              TECHNICAL SCHOOLS                4625 S. Procyon St., LV
       7455 W. Washington Ave., Suite. 317, LV  A wealth of Las Vegas area schools offer   (702) 731-2408
       (702) 638-7279                       occupational training at varying levels. Many  Roseman University College of Pharmacy
       Henderson Campus                     of these schools offer scheduled payment   11 Sunset Wy., HD
       7777 Eastgate Rd., HD                plans, government loans and grants, and VA   (702) 990-4433
       (702) 638-7279                       benefi ts to make training more accessible.
                                            Following is a sampling of such facilities:
       Southwest Campus
       9625 W. Saddle Ave., Suite. 100, LV  Academy of Hair Design
       (702) 638-7279                       5191 West Charleston Blvd., LV
                                            (702) 878-1185

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