Page 7 - Nevada Relocation Guide
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       Relocation Guide

                 THEATER                               VENUES                      Larger-scale productions are not uncommon
                                                                                   at this downtown Las Vegas facility; a holiday
        Las Vegas Little Theater              ALTA Ham Concert Hall                performance of Handel’s Messiah featured
        3920 Schiff Dr., LV                   4505 S. Maryland Pkwy., LV           a full symphony orchestra  and a 250-
        (702) 362-7996                        (702) 895-2787                       member chorus.
        Las Vegas Little Theater, an amateur theatrical             Rainbow Library Amphitheater
        company, has garnered praise and developed   The home of the Charles Vanda Master Series,   3150 N. Buffalo Dr., LV
        a loyal following for its diverse presentations.  this  concert  hall,  located  on  the  campus  of   (702) 507-3711
                                              UNLV, also hosts a variety of music and theater
        Rainbow Company Children’s Theatre    performances, and has been applauded for   This 500-seat amphitheater hosts lectures and
                                                                                   theatrical productions.
        800 S. Brush St., LV                  its superb acoustics.
        (702) 229-6553                        Cashman Field Center                 Spring Mountain Ranch               850 Las Vegas Blvd., LV              6375 Highway 159 BD 89004
        Las Vegas’s oldest theater company (founded   (702) 386-7100               (702) 875-4141
        1977), Rainbow Company Children’s Theatre   Touring theatrical productions, such  as   In the summer, Las Vegans bring a blanket
        presents high-quality productions, while giving   Camelot, starring Robert Goulet, have   and a picnic basket here to watch outdoor
        young actors and directors a place to hone   played this auditorium, located adjacent to   performances of Broadway musicals.
        their craft. It’s one of the best places for family   the Cashman Field baseball stadium.
        entertainment in Southern Nevada.                                          Thomas & Mack - Center
                                              Judy Bayley Theater                  4505 Maryland Pkwy., LV
        Nevada Ballet Theatre Association     4504 S. Maryland Pkwy., LV           (702) 739-3761
        1651 Inner Circle Dr., LV             (702) 895-2787                       One of the largest arenas in the city, the
        (702) 243-2623                                       Thomas & Mack Center hosts UNLV           Located on the UNLV campus, this theater  basketball games, the annual National Finals
        The Nevada Ballet Theatre’s annual holiday  presents  college and  touring  productions  of   Rodeo, and superstar concerts.
        performance of “The Nutcracker” has been a   both theater and dance.       West Las Vegas Arts Center
        beloved Las Vegas tradition since 1976. The   Las Vegas Academy of International  947 W. Lake Mead Blvd., LV
        city’s only fully professional ballet company   Studies, Performing and Visual Arts  (702) 229-4800
        also presents other shows throughout the year.
                                              315 S. Seventh St., LV               Local theater and dance companies perform
                                              (702) 799-7800                       at this 300-seat theater, which has a
                                                             proscenium stage.

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