Page 4 - Nevada Relocation Guide
P. 4

LAS VEGAS...                                                   Relocation Guide

                                       READY, SET, EXPLORE!

      Geography                                                                           Red Rock

      Las Vegas is situated at the southern tip  of                                       Canyon National
      Nevada in the Great Basin - the western region                                      Conservation Area
      between the Sierra Nevada and Wasatch
      Mountain ranges - which contains isolated                                           The Red Rock Canyon area,
      mountains and has no drainage to the ocean.                                         located 15 miles west of Las Vegas,
      Offi cial elevation of the city is 2,174 feet.                                       provides spectacular views of the
                                                                                          valley, unusual rock formations
      Square Mileage                                                                      and signs of early Indian life.

      Clark County ........................................8,060                          Red Rock formations and desert
      Las Vegas  ................................................. 84                     scenery attract thousands of
      Las Vegas Valley   ....................................516                          bicycle enthusiasts to the 13-mile
      Nevada   ......................................... 109,806  Month    High    Low    loop road that winds along the
      Low humidity, along with ideal spring and fall   January    57        34   western border of the Las Vegas Valley. Other
      temperatures, make Las Vegas a great place   February       63        39   activities include rock climbing, hiking and
      to visit any time of the year. The average year                            auto touring.
      round temperature is 80 degrees. Las Vegas is   March       69        44
      one of the sunniest cities in the United States   April    78         51   Attractions:
      -- with an average 320 days of sunshine per  May           88         60
      year and only 4.19 inches of rainfall.  June              100         69   Bonnie Springs, Old Nevada
      Because of its high desert elevation the   July           106         76   115 acre park, with motel, museum, train,
      temperature range can be extreme. During   August         103         74   restaurant, petting zoo, old western town and
      the summer, daytime temperatures often reach                               cowboy shows. Located 20 miles west of Las
      100 degrees. In the winter, the temperature   September    95         66   Vegas. .....................................(702) 875-4191
      may drop as low as 33 degrees, although the   October      82         54
      average high is between 50 and 60 degrees.  November       67        43    Spring Mountain Ranch
                                                                                 Historic site, with ranch house and
      It  rarely  falls  below freezing  in Las  Vegas.   December    58    34   visitors center. Located 18 miles west of
      When it does, it is usually only in the early
      morning. Listed below are the average daily                                Las Vegas ...............................(702) 875-4141
      high and low temperatures by month.

       Lake Mead                                             Echo Bay ............................................................(702) 394-4000
                                                             Located 54 miles southeast of Las Vegas. Amenities include a store,
                                                             cafe, lounge, marina, RV park, campground, air strip and boat rental.
       Recreational Area                                     Hoover Dam and Visitor Center ...................... (702) 494-2517

                                                             Located 40 miles southeast of Las Vegas. Amenities include a
       With 550 miles of shoreline, Lake Mead is surrounded by various   Visitors Center, tours, restaurant and gift shop.
       attractions, ranging in distance from Las Vegas, from 25 miles to 75
       miles on the Arizona side. Following is a listing of lake attractions  Lake Mead Ferry Service .................................(702) 293-6180
       located within Nevada.                                Locates 3.5 miles past Alan Bible Visitors Center on Lake Shore Rd.
                                                             Amenities include Lake Mead cruises, tours and charter boats.
       Boulder Beach Lake Mead Marina & Lodge .... (702) 293-3484
       Located 28 miles southeast of Las Vegas. Amenities include beach,  Lake Mead Fish Hatchery ................................(702) 486-6738
       picnic area, store, restaurant, lounge, motel, cruises and marina,  Located  one  mile  south  of  Boulder  Beach. Produces  500,000
                                                             Rainbow Trout annually.
       Calville Bay & Cottonwood Cove  ......................800-255-5561
       Located 30 mile southeast of Las Vegas. Amenities include a  Overton Beach .................................................... 800-553-5452
       store,cafe, lounge, RV park, marina, showers, auto fuel and  Located 60 miles southeast of Las Vegas. Amenities include a store,
       houseboat rental.                                     trailer & RV park, watercraft rental and a marina.

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