Page 3 - Nevada Relocation Guide
P. 3

       Relocation Guide

        Driver’s License                      2701 E. Sahara Ave.                  Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco
                                              8250 W. Flamingo Rd.                 and Firearms. ....................(702) 347-5910
        New residents have 30 days to obtain a   1399 American Pacifi c Drive.,     Clark County Sheriff’s
        Nevada driver’s license. In order to obtain   7170 N. Decatur Blvd.        Dept. ..................................(702) 828-3271
        a license, you must pay a fee (fees vary);                                 Drug Enforcement
        all applicants must take a vision test. Other   You may fi nd other valuable   Administration ...................(702) 759-8000
        tests will be waived if you are 25 years old   information via internet at   Emergency Road Cond. ...(702) 486-3116
        or older and have no special restrictions; -see website    F.B.I ....................................(702) 385-1281
        your out-of-state license is valid and you   for other express offi ces     Nevada Highway Patrol
        are applying for the same class of license;                                (non emergency) ..............(702) 486-4100
        and/or you have no more than two moving   Vehicle Registration and Tags
        violations and no suspensions, revocations,                       (NDOT)
        cancellations, or denials in the past four
        years. If you do not meet these requirements,                              Police Department (non-emergency)
        you will have to take a written test and                                   Boulder City ......................(702) 293-9224
        possibly a skills test.                                                    Henderson  ........................(702) 267-4913
        All license applications are checked through                               Las Vegas ..........................(702) 793-3111
        the national Problem Driver Pointer System.                                Laughlin  ............................(702) 298-2223
        Nevada does not automatically transfer                                     Mesquite  ...........................(702) 346-5262
        all motorcycle endorsements.  Commercial                                   Mount Charleston
        driver’s licenses can be transferred at Full                               State Forestry ....................(702) 872-5483
        Service Offi ces if the driver meets the   New residents have 30 days to obtain their   North Las Vegas  ..............(702) 633-9111
        above requirements and has a current DOT   Nevada driver’s license and registration.   Secret Witness ..................(702) 385-5555
        (Department of Transportation) physical form.   The following is a list of the items needed for
        Make sure that you bring proof of your   out-of-state transfers:           Pets
        Social Security card, W-2 form, or payroll   •  Your state-issued driver’s license
        check and proof of your name and age (e.g.,   •  Proof of your Social Security Number
        current drivers license, certifi ed copy of birth   •  Nevada Proof of Liability Insurance card
        certifi cate, passport, or immigration document).    from a Nevada-licensed agent
                                              •  Smog check certifi cate if needed
        Insurance Requirements                •  Your current registration(s)
        In Nevada, vehicle owners are required   •  Title(s), unless held by lien holder
        to carry liability insurance. The minimum   •  VIN check(s) - vehicle identifi cation
        requirements are $15,000 bodily injury,     numbers are checked at DMV offi ces  •  Licenses are required for all dogs and
        $30,000 per person per accident, and   •  Your out-of-state license plates    cats in Clark County.
        $10,000 property damage. Proof of     •  Fees - cash, check, or money order   •  Residents are limited to three adult dogs
        insurance must be kept in the vehicle at   Please call 496-4368 for a telephone     and three adult cats per household.
        all times.                            estimate of registration fees and for answers     Special pet fancier’s licenses are
                                              regarding your specifi c situation.     available  that  allow  up  to six  cats
        Nevada Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)                                    and dogs.
        Nevada DMV offi ces provide booklets of   Water vessels are registered      •  All dogs must be restrained by a leash.
        Nevada driving laws, rules, and regulations.                                 Cats in the city must be restrained by
        Voter registration is also offered at the time   with the Nevada Division of     a leash.
        you apply for or renew your driver’s license.  Wildlife. Call (702) 486-5127.  •  All dogs and cats must have license and
                                                                                     rabies tags. Rabies shots are required
        For more information, or to set a specifi c                                   every two years.
        appointment to apply for your license, call   Public Safety and
        the DMV Info line at 486- 4DMV (4368   Emergency Services                  For additional information contact one of
        options 4,5). A Nevada driver’s license                                    the following organizations:
        may be applied for at any of the following   Emergency. ............................................. 911  LV Humane Society ..........(702) 434-2009
        DMV locations                         Ambulance Dispatch Ctr (702) 384-3400  Nevada SPCA .................(702) 873-7722

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