Page 5 - Nevada Relocation Guide
P. 5

       Relocation Guide
                                   READY, SET EXPLORE!

        Four seasons of fun in Las Vegas? You bet! The Las Vegas area is a   Valley of Fire State Park
        paradise for all kinds of recreational and sightseeing activities. Dozens   Dedicated in 1935 as Nevada’s fi rst state park, this 56,000- acre
        of verdant and challenging                                                           wilderness area features colorful,
        golf courses beckon the                                                              extraordinary rock formations,
        golfer 12 months a year. Lake                                                        Native American petroglyphs
        Mead’s  deep blue  waters                                                            and year-round campsites.
        and 550 miles of shorelines                                                          Death Valley Park
        are enjoyed by boaters,                                                              Covering 3,000 square miles
        water skiers, swimmers, and                                                          of desert in both California
        people hoping to hook up a                                                           and Nevada, Death Valley is
        trophy fi sh.                                                                         the largest national park in the
        The Colorado River offers                                                            lower 48 states. Located less
        unforgettable  white  water                                                          than two hours from Las Vegas,
        rafting. For hiking, rock                                                            Death Valley offers breathtaking
        climbing,  and   outdoor                                                             landscapes, colorful history and
        photography there is Red                                                             the lowest elevation point in the
        Rock  Canyon  and  Mt.                                                               Western Hemisphere.
        Charleston. Skiers love Mt.                                                          Floyd Lamb State Park
        Charleston and the many                                                              Originally known as Tule
        other ski slopes within a short                                                      Springs, this park was an early
        drive  of  Las  Vegas  for  their                                                    water stop for Native Americans.
        winter fun. Day tours to the                                                         It later became a privately
        Grand Canyon, Valley of                                                              owned working ranch, as well
        Fire and Death Valley are what memories are made of and Hoover   as a guest/dude ranch in the 1950’s. In addition to the Tule Springs
        Dam isn’t called the “Eighth Wonder of the World” for nothing.  Ranch Historic Area, the park offers tree-shaded groves alongside
                                                                 four small fi shing lakes. The park is available for day use only.
        Visitor Information                                      Spring Mountain Ranch
                                                                 Historic Spring Mountain Ranch is located within the Red Rock
        Las Vegas Convention Center & Visitor’s Authority        Canyon National Conservation Area, beneath the colorful cliffs of
        3150 Paradise Road, 89109 ...................(702) 892-0711  the magnifi cent Wilson Range. The many springs in these mountains
        Automated information line ....................(702)  892-7575  provided water for Paiute Indians and later brought mountain men •             and early settlers to the area. The 520 acre oasis was developed into
                                                                 a combination working ranch and luxurious retreat.
        Boulder City Visitor Center
        100 Nevada Highway                                       Grand Canyon National Park
        Boulder City, NV 89005 .........................(702)  294-1252  Located in Northern Arizona, close to the borders of Utah and
                                                                 Nevada, this national park is home to the Grand Canyon, created
        Hoover Dam – Visitor Bureau                              some 5 million years ago and encompassing 1,904 square miles. The
        Boulder City, NV 89005 .........................(702)  293-8321  Colorado River, which fl ows through the canyon, drains water from .................(702)  494-2517  seven states. Recreational pursuits are vast, including hiking, camping,
        Hoover Dam was built in the 1930’s at a cost of $160 million. The   biking  and  fi shing.  Commercial  air  carriers  and  tour  buses  serve
        Dam, located 40 miles southeast of Las Vegas, on U.S. 93, turned the   visitors from the Las Vegas area.
        raging waters of the Colorado River into the still waters of Lake Mead.
        Government guides conduct various tours year-round.      Toiyabe National Forest
                                                                 The Las Vegas Ranger District encompasses 316,000 acres of the 3.5
        Mount Charleston                                         million-acre Toiyabe National Forest. Included are 52 miles of hiking
        Located 45 miles northwest of Las Vegas, Mt. Charleston is situated   trails, 160 picnic areas and 150 campsites in seven campgrounds and
        among 300,000 acres of forestland in the Las Vegas Ranger District.   RV parks. Located 40 miles northwest of Las Vegas, the area provides
        The area includes 52 miles of hiking trails, 160 picnic spots and   snow skiing at Lee Canyon, and horseback riding at Kyle Canyon.
        150 campsites in seven campgrounds and RV camps. Recreational   Both Lee and Kyle canyons have an abundance of campgrounds
        activities include horseback riding and snow skiing.     and hiking trails.

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