Page 16 - Nevada Relocation Guide
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LAS VEGAS...                                                   Relocation Guide

                                       MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION


      Employment and Industry:                                                               MAJOR
      Las Vegas continues to boom through the millennium with strong economic and employment
      opportunities.  Construction, durable and nondurable goods, manufacturing, wholesale and    LAS VEGAS
      retail trades, education, housing, transportation, medical services, and public administration
      are among the industries with the greatest job potential in Las Vegas. Tourism and conventions   EMPLOYERS
      continue to be the city’s major industries. As Las Vegas continues to grow, the economic future
      for our city looks extremely strong for many years to come. For additional information on
      employment opportunities, write to:                                             Las Vegasʼ pioneering spirit, enterprising
      Nevada State Employment Services:                                                  nature and can-do attitude are
      555 E. Washington Ave., Suite 1400
      Las Vegas, Nevada 89101                                                           helping pave the road to economic
      (702) 486-2900                                                                  recovery in Southern Nevada. Currently,

      SHERIFF’S CARDS                                                                   gaming, tourism and educational
                                                                                       instruction remain the leading areas
      If you are working in the gaming industry, it is mandatory in the State of Nevada to  have a
      Sheriff’s Card. To obtain a Sheriff’s Card you must be gainfully employed. Your employer will   of employment for Southern Nevadans.
      provide you with a referral for a three year issuance. For further information, contact:  Job-seekers are sure to be inspired by the
                                   Sheriff’s Card Offi ce:                            wealth of diversifi cation efforts underway,
                                   Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Dept.
                                   Work Card Section                                  particularly in promising fi elds related to
                                   5880 Cameron St.                                   clean and renewable energy industries.
                                   Las Vegas, NV 89118
                                   (702) 828-3271                                     The Nevada Department of Employment,
                                                                                      Training and Rehabilitation anticipates
      TECHNIQUES OF ALCOHOL MANAGEMENT                                                 Nevadaʼs employment base will grow

      TAM CARD: Anyone who sells, gives away, or makes a decision regarding alcohol, as well as   through 2012 and into 2013, adding
      Security Offi cers must have a valid TAM Card. Please call either location to fi nd information on
      classes and fees. For further information, contact:                                 30,000 jobs to the market.
      TAM of Southern Nevada
            East Location:                         West Location:                     The most recent statistics from the DTER
            557 E. Sahara Ave.,                    2550 S. Rainbow Blvd.,              show the Clark County School District
            Suite 223                              Suite E14                          as the valleyʼs largest overall employer
            Las Vegas, NV 89104                    Las Vegas, NV 89146
            (702) 647-1954                         (702) 873-8192                     with more than 37,000 employees on the

      HEALTH CARDS                                                                    payroll. Clark County is next with 8,000-
                                                                                           8,499, followed by Wynn
      Health Cards are mandatory for all food and beverage handlers, tattoo technicians, child
      and adult care attendants, or massage therapists. In order to acquire a health card, you must   Las Vegas, MGM Grand and Bellagio, each
      complete an application form. For a food handler card, applicants will receive a Hepatitis A   with 7,500-7,999 employees.
      vaccination. Applicants needing child care or adult group care cards, must also attend a ninety
      minute class and movie within 30 days of applying for a health card. A temporary card will be
      issued once the class is completed. The cost for a health card is $30 for a three-year issuance.
      For additional information contact:
      Ravenholt Public Health Center:
      625 Shadow Ln., Las Vegas, NV 89106
      (702) 759-1000

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