Page 21 - Nevada Relocation Guide
P. 21
Relocation Guide
Las Vegas Seniors
Sunny weather coupled with a favorable tax climate has made Southern Nevada an attractive
destination for retirees. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Nevada is getting older, experiencing
a 54 percent increase over the last decade in residents over the age of 62, and a 78 percent increase
in residents over the age of 85. In Clark County alone, 14.4 percent of the population is over the age
of 62 with Las Vegas having one of the fastest growing senior populations for a metro area.
With this steady growth of senior residents, there have been a number of organizations and programs
designed with the seniors in mind.
AARP ........................................................866-389-5652 Jewish Family Service Agency ........... (702) 732-0304
Alzheimer’s Association ...................... (702) 248-2770 Lied Adult Daycare Center .................. (702) 382-0093
American Cancer Society .................... (702) 798-6877 Meals on Wheels Senior Nutrition
American Heart Association ................(702) 367-1366 Programof Las Vegas .......................... (702) 385-5284
Boulder City Senior Center ................. (702) 293-3320 Parkinson’s ADPA Info & Referral .......(702) 464-3132
Catholic Charities Senior Services .......(702) 382-0721 Salvation Army Adult Day Care ......... (702) 565-8836
City of LV Senior Programs ................. (702) 229-6454 Senior Citizens Law Project ................. (702) 229-6596
Clark County Parks & Recreation ....... (702) 455-8200 Event Hotline ........................................ (702) 836-3900
Division for Aging Services ................. (702) 486-3545 Senior Tripsters .................................... (702) 387-0007
Eldercare Helpline ................................1-800-677-1116 Seniors Helping Seniors .......................(702) 382-4412
Foster Grand Parent Program .............(702) 647-1515 Nevada Ship Medicare
Hollyhock Adult Daycare Center ....... (702) 382-0093 Assistance Program ............................. (702) 486-3478
Hospitals of Sunrise Health .................(702) 880-2125 VA Southern NV Health Care System (702) 636-3000
Black Mountain Recreation Center East Las Vegas Senior Center Sunrise Senior Friends
599 Greenway Rd. .............(702) 267-4070 250 N. Eastern Ave. ............(702) 229-1515 3101 S. Maryland Pkwy., 314 (702) 735-5510
Cora Coleman Sunrise Senior Center Henderson Senior Center West Flamingo Senior Center
2100 Bonnie Ln......................(702) 455-7617 27 E. Texas Ave. ..................(702) 267-2950 6255 W. Flamingo Rd. 4 .......(702) 55-7742
Doolittle Senior Center Las Vegas Senior Center
1930 N. J St.......................... (702) 229-6125 451 E. Bonanza Rd. ............(702) 229-6454
Derfelt Senior Center Lieburn Senior Center
3333 W. Washington St. ...(702) 229-6601 6230 Garwood Ave. ..........(702) 229-1600
Dula Gymnasium North Las Vegas Senior Center
451 E. Bonanza Rd. ............(702) 229-6307 1638 N. Bruce St. ...............(702) 633-1600
Foster Grandparents ..............(702) 647-1515 Senior Companion Program ...(702) 382-0721 SCORE - Svc. Corp. of Ret. Execs ...(702) 388-6104