Page 19 - Nevada Relocation Guide
P. 19

       Relocation Guide

       AIR TRANSPORTATION                   To help meet the growing demand for aviation  Boulder City Municipal Airport
       Las Vegas’ convention, tourism, and   facilities and services in Southern Nevada,  1201 Airport Rd., BC • 293-9405
       entertainment industries, together with   the Clark County Department of Aviation  Boulder City Municipal Airport has two
       unparalleled outdoor recreation, have   invested more than $30 million in Henderson  runways, plus one shorter runway to
       stimulated phenomenal growth in      Executive Airport to create a premier  accommodate glider traffi c. Two Grand
       Southern Nevada.                     corporate aviation facility and an attractive,  Canyon tour operators are based here, as well
                                            convenient and economical alternative to  as a fl ight school. There are approximately
       Today, nearly half of all Las Vegas visitors   McCarran International Airport. The facilities  55 private planes. Eighty more hangars are
       arrive  by  air, via  McCarran International   at HND are tailored to the discriminating  now under construction.
       Airport, making it a major driving force  in the   general aviation pilot and corporate client. As
       Southern Nevada economy and one of the   a primary reliever airport to busy McCarran,   Jean Sport Aviation Center
       busiest airports in the world. Income derived   HND provides all the necessary services and   1400 Executive Airport Dr., Suite B, HD
       from aviation activity generates signifi cant   amenities to make your trip pleasant and   (702) 261-4800
       economic benefi ts estimated at 25 billion   convenient.         
       dollars a year. In addition to these tangible                             Directly adjacent to the Gold Strike Hotel &
       benefi ts, McCarran is a valuable community   The airfi eld has the capacity and runway length   Casino, Jean Airport has two runways, primarily
       asset that links Southern Nevada to the   to meet the needs of virtually all general aviation   employed in  skydiving,  glider,  and  acrobatic
       national air transportation system and brings   aircraft, saving precious time and money for   activities. There is also a paved ramp for 50
       the  world to Las Vegas.             those choosing HND. A beautifully appointed   aircraft as well as a 6,000-square-foot special
                                            terminal building opened on June 13, 2006,   events building. The airport is located 20 miles
       In a city that thrives on tourism, it’s become   providing a seamless transition between aircraft
       increasingly important to provide travelers   and ground transportation. A new standalone   south of Las Vegas on I-15.
       a positive fi rst and last impression of Las   air  traffi c  control  tower  and  95  new  private  Overton-Perkins Field
       Vegas by achieving that delicate balance   aircraft storage hangars have also been placed  1110 Airport Road • Overton, NV 89040
       between security and customer service.   into service.                    (702) 397-9617
       Whether busy meeting the needs of today’s                       
       traveler, or preparing for tomorrow’s, the   “Over time, more and more aircrafts, cars   Originally established in 1947, the airport
       Department of Aviation is proud of it’s   and travelers have battled for space within   was built to provide an emergency landing
       ongoing efforts to achieve that objective   an airport whose initial developers never   area for aircraft departing Nellis Air Force
       by building and maintaining state-of-  envisioned a time when more than 40 million   Base. Perkins Field is named for two local
       the-art  facilities,  maximizing  existing  passengers  would  become  an  annual  norm.   young men, Woodruff and Elwood Perkins,
       resources, and capitalizing on new and   With 1.9 million square feet divided over   who were killed in World Wars I and II,
       innovative technology.               three levels, McCarran’s new terminal, T3,
                                            is a massive facility. Its spacious eight-mile   respectively.
       McCarran International Airport       roadway system was designed to effi ciently  Sporting a 4,800-foot, uncontrolled, paved
       5757 Wayne Newton Blvd. • (702) 261-5211  move motor vehicles in and out while an eight  runway, with a pilot-activated runway lighting                     story, 6,000-space garage will fulfi ll parking  system, Perkins Field is located approximately
       To meet the demands of Southern Nevada’s   needs for decades. To increase effi ciency  70 miles northeast of Las Vegas, just minutes
       growth, in terms of both local residents and the   and reduce waiting times, travelers at T3 will  from Lake Mead’s Overton Beach in the
       Valley’s visitors, the Clark County Department   also enjoy some of the airline industry’s latest  picturesque Moapa Valley. Ancient Anasazi
       of Aviation (CCDOA) has plans to increase   technologies such as self-boarding equipment and  ruins are easily accessible at the nearby Lost
       the size and capacity of its existing McCarran   self-service baggage tagging to ease the check-  City Museum and the Valley of Fire State Park
       Airport facilities and develop an entirely new   in  process  for  participating  air  carriers.  These  is located just a short drive away.
       supplemental airport facility. In calendar   improved measures will support added growth
       year 2011, McCarran International Airport   within Southern Nevada’s tourism industry.”  Laughlin-Bullhead International Airport
       handled over 41 million passengers. This puts   North Las Vegas Airport   2550 Laughlin View Dr., AZ
       McCarran in the top 5 busiest airports in the   2730 Airport Dr., Ste 101, NLV • (702) 261-3800  (928) 754-2134
       United States.                                                  
                                            Located less than six miles from Downtown  The airport services commercial (Mesa Air),
       Henderson Executive Airport          and the Las Vegas Strip, North Las Vegas  charter (Sun Country, Sun West International,
       3500 Executive Terminal Drive        Airport is an ideal alternative to busy  and Air Grand Canyon), general, military
       Henderson, NV 89052 • (702) 261-4800  McCarran International with fi rst-class  and corporate air traffi c as well as the Sheble
       www.mccar  facilities tailored to meet the needs of the  Flight School. The terminal houses a snack
       henderson                            general aviation pilot.              bar, a gift shop, and three car rental agencies.

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