Page 20 - Nevada Relocation Guide
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LAS VEGAS... Relocation Guide
NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE a Certifi ed True Copy of your discharge documents and a copy of
The nation’s unique U.S. Air Force Air Warfare Center is located just your marriage certifi cate. Pre-registration forms and instructions can
eight miles northeast of downtown Las Vegas. Nellis Air Force Base be obtained at the cemetery or by calling (702) 486-5920. There are
specializes in advanced combat training for U.S. and allied air-crews, no fees charged for pre-registration.
as well as operational testing
and tactics development. Reserve Components
Nellis is also home to the U.S. Any member of a reserve
Air Force Air Demonstration component who has
Squadron, “Thunderbirds”. attained 20 years of service
NAFB conducts numerous for retirement is eligible for
large-scale aerial combat burial at the cemetery. Any
exercises throughout the member of a reserve Offi cer
year, including the world- Training Corps, who dies
famous Red Flag exercises. under honorable conditions
The USAF Weapons School while serving on active duty
at Nellis puts the best or training, is also eligible
instructor pilots and support for burial at the cemetery.
offi cers through a grueling, Military Honors
six-month PhD-level course, Military Honors are not
providing expert weapons provided by the Nevada
offi cers to fi ghter and bomber Cemetery System. Military
wings stationed throughout honors, if so desired, must
the world. be arranged in advance by
The Nevada test and training range consist of almost 5,000 square the family or their representatives. The cemetery staff can assist by
miles of restricted land and airspace, and an additional 7,000 square providing the telephone numbers and address of organizations that
miles of joint-use airspace. NAFB employs 7,100 permanent military may assist in providing honors.
and 2,700 civilians, and hosts an average of 1,000 temporary Dependents
duty airmen daily, making the facility one of the largest employers Dependents of a veteran may be eligible for burial at the cemetery.
in Nevada.
There is a $450 fee (subject to change) for the burial of a dependent
SOUTHERN NEVADA VETERANS or spouse at the cemetery. Burials for veterans and their dependents are
a stacked burial, in the same plot. Cremated burials are side-by-side,
MEMORIAL CEMETERY sharing the same plot. For information concerning dependent eligibility,
The Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery is located in the contact the Cemetery Superintendent at (702) 486-5920.
beautiful city of Boulder City, Nevada, which is only 30 minutes from Costs
downtown Las Vegas. Near the historic Boulder Dam, the cemetery is Veterans are buried at the Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial
located on 79 acres owned and maintained by the State of Nevada. Cemetery at no charge. This includes the cemetery plot, opening and
Since its opening, over 11,000 veterans and family members of closing, concrete vault, headstone and perpetual care. A $450 fee
veterans have been placed to rest at the cemetery. (Subject to change) is charged for the burial of a spouse or dependent.
Eligibility Mortuary fees are not included.
Eligibility criteria for burial at the Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial All Funeral Services are held in the Chapel Building.
Cemetery are the same used by the National Cemetery System and are Southern Nevada Veterans Memorial Cemetery
based on military service. The cemetery superintendent is responsible
for verifying eligibility and should be contacted for specifi cs at 1900 Buchanan Blvd. • Boulder City, NV 89005
(702) 486-5920. (702) 486-5920
Offi ce Hours: Monday-Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.
There are no advance plot assignments at the cemetery; however, you Cemetery Open Daily, 24 Hours
can pre-register for a future need. Preregistration allows the cemetery
to make an advance determination as to eligibility. To pre-register
you will need to provide the cemetery with a pre-registration form,