Page 18 - Nevada Relocation Guide
P. 18

LAS VEGAS...                                                   Relocation Guide

                                       TRANSPORTATION & COMMUNICATION

       MONORAIL                             bus service began running on the famous Las   ROADWAYS
       Las Vegas Monorail Company           Vegas Strip. In just 12 short years, ridership   Las Vegas’ grid of federal, state and
       3900 Paradise Rd., #260 Las Vegas, NV 89169  among the RTC’s transit services has grown   local  roads  receives  an  overwhelming
       (702) 699-8200                       from 14.9 million riders in 1993 to more than   average daily traffi c fl ow of some 60,000                   55 million riders in 2005.           automobiles. Roadwork and construction
                                            The entire system consists of 51 routes served   projects are continually under way in order
       It began as a joint venture between the MGM   by 365 vehicles, carrying around 180,000
       Grand and Bally’s Hotel. Why not create a   passengers each weekday in the greater   to accommodate the phenomenal growth the
       one-mile transportation system between the   Las Vegas Valley. Service enhancements are   city is experiencing in terms of population
       hotels, encouraging visitorship to both? It was   completed regularly and new transit guides   and business development. The major arteries
       an exciting, forward-thinking idea that took off   are issued twice each year.   for the transportation of people and the
       in 1993 and soon included plans to expand to                              distribution of cargo into and out of Southern
       other locations along the Strip. In 1997, state   The Regional Transportation Commission of  Nevada include I-15, running north to Salt
       legislature passed that enabled the private   Southern Nevada (RTC) is transforming  the  Lake City and south to Southern California;
       monorail company to own, operate, and   image of public transportation and enhancing  U.S. 95, running north to Reno and south
       charge a fare as a public monorail system.   the quality of life for Southern Nevadans  to Laughlin; and U.S. 93, running south to
       As expansion plans developed, the Monorail   with one of the country’s premiere rapid  Phoenix and Tuscon.
       assembled a professional team that included   transit projects. A hybrid between bus and
       Bombardier  Transportation,  Carter-  Burgess,   rail systems, MAX has many features of rail  MILEAGE FROM LAS VEGAS
       Gensler & Associates, Granite Construction   service with the cost and fl exibility of a bus,   TO OTHER MAJOR CITIES
       Company, Liaise Corporation, Salomon Smith   making it an effective transportation solution.  The Las Vegas area is within a day’s drive of
       Barney and Transit Systems  Management.  The MAX project, included as a National  many other major cities and such well-known
       The original monorail system was acquired in  Demonstration Project by the Federal Transit  attractions as the Grand Canyon, Death
       2000 by the nonprofi t Las Vegas Monorail  Administration (FTA), is the fi rst in the United  Valley, Disneyland and Hollywood.
       Company, formed to develop,  own and  States to operate the Civis vehicle using the  Albuquerque, NM .................................... 586
       operate the Las Vegas Monorail.      latest technology to provide a high-quality,  Boise, ID .................................................... 633
       No public money was needed and no future   state-of-the-art,  environmentally-friendly  Cheyenne, WY ......................................... 829
       taxpayer money obligation is planned.   transit alternative at a fraction of the cost of a  Denver, CO  .............................................. 758
       The Las Vegas Monorail Company board   rail service.                      El Paso, TX  ................................................ 727
       of directors is made up of fi ve members                                   Houston, TX  ...........................................1,467
       appointed by the Governor of Nevada.  OTHER BUS TRANSIT                   Los Angeles, CA  ...................................... 272
                                            ATC/Vancom of Nevada, Inc.           Phoenix, AZ  .............................................. 287
       Today, the Las Vegas Monorail remains   3200 W. Tompkins Ave., 89103      Portland, OR  ............................................ 996
       the fi rst and only privately owned public   (702) 262-1000                Reno, NV  ..................................................445
       transportation system in the U.S. and includes   ATC/Vancom operates specially equipped   Riverside, CA ............................................ 207
       seven stations along  its four-mile route.   buses for people with physical or mental  Salt Lake City, UT  ......................................419
       Nearly  32,000  passengers  ride  the  system   disabilities who cannot independently use  San Diego, CA ......................................... 336
       daily to restaurants, shows, attractions and   regular bus service. The shared-ride, curb  San Francisco, CA .................................... 568
       conventions within the Strip resort corridor.   to curb bus service runs to and from any  Seattle, WA  ............................................1,180
                                            location in the Valley. Reservations are taken
       REGIONAL TRANSPORTATION              in advance.
       METROPOLITAN AREA EXPRESS (MAX)      200 S. Main St., 89101
       1-800-228-3911                       (702) 383-9792, 800-231-2222
       (702) 228-7433                         Located next to the Plaza Hotel in downtown
       The RTC began the Citizens Area Transit  Las Vegas, Greyhound offers services to
       (CAT) bus system in December 1992. In 2004  2,400 locations nationwide. Tickets can be
       the RTC  added the fi rst Metropolitan Area  purchased just prior to departure; however,
       Express (MAX) line to its transit system; and  discounts may be offered for some advanced
       in October 2005 The DEUCE double deck  ticket purchases.

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