Page 25 - EdViewptsSpring2021
P. 25
Saving Something Importance of Leadership If school districts want
With any demanding career, it is Teams in the Virtual Climate schools to flourish
critical that principals maintain a During a major crisis such a
healthy work-life balance. In the role pandemic, principals have the arduous through adversity, then
of building level leader, stress and task of leading schools using remote it is critical to trust, sup-
exhaustion are common experiences platforms. Therefore, identifying those
that must be managed. In fact, in daily key teacher leaders and organizing port and communicate
practice and under normal conditions, them into leadership teams is essential with school principals
principals are already coping with to helping maintain the integrity of the instead of simply provid-
high levels of stress (Sogunro, 2012). instructional learning environment in
According to Sogunro (2012), dealing the virtual climate. These stakeholders ing them with a cookie
with crises in the school is just one are those committed to meeting after cutter, one-size-fits-all
of five major sources of stress for work hours and sometimes during
building level administrators, making it the weekends. School districts must guidance document
a critical area to address. understand that principals rely heavily that offers little true
Working in an environment that on school leadership teams to help guidance.
encourages self-care may be a influence and support teachers
somewhat lofty ideal, but it does (Fairman & MacKenizie, 2015) during The most essential understanding
not have to be. There are simple the stressful time when things are not is that principals deeply and fully
things that can be done to encourage normal and educators are constantly understand the needs of their staff
building leaders to do just that and expected to make shifts with little or no and students. This is paramount
save some of themselves so that notice. Principals are often expected when leading during any major
mental health and overall wellness to pivot quickly with minimal support crisis. School districts must support
may be protected even during a global and resources. Leadership teams are and allow principals the autonomy
crisis. Honoring days off is one way one of the most valuable resources for to self-govern and trust them to
that district level leaders can create an school principals to share the load of make crucial decisions without being
environment that supports principals. helping teachers maintain resilience micromanaged.
Truly honoring days off means calls, and performance.
texts, contact and assignments are Leadership team members act as a If school districts want schools to
paused so that the principal has an liaison between the staff and school flourish through adversity, then
opportunity to disconnect or possibly level leaders. Many times, it is the it is critical to trust, support and
engage in other critical tasks not members of the leadership team that communicate with school principals
related to work. Principals can easily help their colleagues cope during instead of simply providing them
become individuals that are not only the crisis and take their concerns with a cookie cutter, one-size-fits-
available, but expected to be available to the school principal. Then, as a all guidance document that offers
around the clock. The dishonoring of team, those issues are processed little true guidance. This top-down
time off may not be direct. It may be and solutions are dispatched to approach causes chaos, confusion,
disguised as a deadline that makes it staff through the members of the misunderstandings, and heightens
impossible not to work during time that leadership team. For example, most stress. Despite these obstacles, the
should be spent disconnected. often it is a leadership team member surviving principals strive to sustain,
maintain, and progress after the dust
While most principals know and accept who alerts the school principal when settles. School leaders need to feel
that the job calls for work well beyond a colleague’s virtual platform is not confident in making decisions for their
work hours, during a global crisis, it is working, running slow, or shut down schools; they must have a seat at the
critical that personal time be protected. during instruction. The integrity of table when district level decisions are
While the onus is on the principal, virtual teaching and learning depends made. Principals need full support
being in an environment where on the communication, commitment from school districts, especially during
downtime is respected eliminates the and connection that school leadership the most profound and unprecedented
guilt that can sometimes be associated teams work hard to achieve and times. Ultimately, principals need to be
with clear work-life boundaries. Saving maintain. able to thrive, not merely survive!
something is about fostering an
environment in which principals can Thriving Principal Principal’s Top 5 to Thrive
enjoy other aspects of life, which has The surviving school principal is trying 1. A seat at the table
the amazing side effect of decreasing to keep afloat, endure, succumb 2. Autonomy is non-negotiable
burnout and increasing productivity to and withstand what is being 3. Trust is treasured
and job satisfaction. directed. However, the thriving school
principal is successful, autonomous, 4. Pull back and focus on the
essentials: Less is more
empowered, reflective, and evolving.
5. Teams are crucial
Educational Viewpoints -23- Spring 2021