Page 24 - EdViewptsSpring2021
P. 24
Leading in a Global Crisis:
How School Districts Can
Position Principals to Thrive,
Not Survive
By LaKecia C. Hyman, Ed.D., Principal, Atlantic City Schools; and
Ananda M. Davis, Ph.D., Principal, Atlantic City Schools
Say “Hi” to the Elephant work to fill in gaps of communication principals to align their building level
During a global crisis, school principals or lack of communication entirely, as priorities with the priorities of the
district. While compliance may be a
they strive to keep the daily operations
are impacted just like any other human moving forward. given, true buy-in will be lost. Instead,
being, absorbing the onslaught of taking time to truly acknowledge the
information and emotion. Putting on During the time of crisis, ignoring it or crisis and work with all stakeholders
the leadership cape can sometimes the many facets of its impact, is not to orchestrate a response will support
give the false impression that we are a luxury that the principal is afforded. the overall health of the organization.
continuing on with normal operations. A crisis cannot be minimized or This is particularly critical in a situation
Many times, principals exhibit stoicism addressed on a surface level. School such as a pandemic in which the
for staff, students, and parents in an district level leaders must take into impact may be prolonged with wide-
act of heroics to camouflage the real consideration that creating a false reaching impact.
issues and bring calm and clarity to narrative that things are business as
their school community. Principals usual can make it difficult for school
Educational Viewpoints -22- Spring 2021