Page 19 - EdViewptsSpring2021
P. 19

Steven Covey (1989) described an     and find possibilities for the future. Smith  what is holding the system back, like
          abundance mindset within his "Think   (2019) sees abundance as a potential   a caterpillar shedding its old self to
          win-win" habit. Diamandis and Kotler   waiting to manifest itself with the present   become a butterfly. Finally, in moving
          (2012) compare abundance and scarcity  moment becoming the future, but the   forward and allowing the future to
          models to a zero-sum game such that   challenge may be closing the gap and   unfold, there is a need to experiment
          when two people exchange items there   seeing what is not yet visible.    with imperfect innovations while
          is no total gain since, between these   Ideas from systems thinking address   involving others who are willing to test
          people, the things they have traded   the space between where we are and   them out, address the failures and try
          have not increased in value. On the   where we want to go. Peter Senge    again. Imagine a spiral involving more
          other hand, when those two people    (1994) defines creative tension between   stakeholders as the new ideas become
          exchange ideas, they have gained     a systems’ present-moment reality and   clearer and less flawed. As more people
          something since each person’s idea   the future it envisions. Between them is   join the quest, the system can realize
          has grown. According to Diamandis and   a creative opportunity for change. Senge   those desired possibilities. Through
          Kotler, abundance is not about providing   with colleagues including Otto Scharmer   these movements, Scharmer suggests
          wealth and luxury, but rather in finding   (2004) offer the idea of presencing as   that the use of dialogue for empathetic
          the possibilities available to all. They   a means to tap into future possibilities.   conversation can help individuals move
          offer a “pyramid of abundance,” used   Scharmer (2013) provides a U-shaped   from ego-centric involvement to ideas
          like Maslow’s "Hierarchy of Needs," with   theoretical mechanism to walk systems   that serve the whole system.
          the highest level, freedom and health,   through a current state to an "emerging   For leaders on a quest towards an
          necessary for a person’s bearing as   future." The idea is that the future   abundant, emerging future, Scharmer
          good health and well-being. Further,   may have already presented itself,   offers some practices towards this
          they describe abundance as an issue of   but the system needs to observe its   purpose. First, he suggests: (1).
          accessibility, which provides a means to   existence while making the space for it   Practice, don’t preach. Listen to your
          make freely available that which seems   to manifest. Through the pandemic and   inner and ego-less voice as well as
          rare and difficult to provide. Examples   other crises that educators have worked   that of your colleagues. Look for signs
          that have become abundantly available   through, systems have managed to   of your own abundant mindset. (2)
          through the pressures of the pandemic   find the necessary possibilities such as   Observe … and become a blackbelt
          are creative scheduling and putting   with the use of time and technology, but   listener. Have an open, empathetic
          technology into the hands of every child.   where can the quest go next?  mind and look for that which you
          With a need for remote learning many                                      cannot already see. (3) Connect to your
          districts found the resources to purchase   With abundance in mind, consider   intention as an instrument. As a servant
          laptops, tablets and create scheduling   Scharmer and colleagues’ (2013)   leader, this practice seeks to place a
          to accommodate hybrid and/or remote   three-part leadership journey. The first   focus on that for which you hope to be
          learning.                            segment addresses doubt, judgment,   in service. (4) When the crack opens
          The foundation of the abundance      cynicism and fear related to the mind,   up, stay with it. Look for the abundant
                                               heart and will. This part of the journey
          pyramid includes basic physical      requires intentional listening and   opportunities and potential for the future.
          needs and incentives that promote    dialogue with all stakeholders. It is a   In terms of listening, Donnella Meadows
          growth such as energy, education,    call to be open to that which is ready   (2001) reminds leaders that there is
          and communication and information.   to emerge. The second part is seeing   wisdom within the system. When they
          Once the system moves beyond the     and sensing in the present reality the   listen, they may see that crack, discover
          level of basic restoration to one that is   future that is ready to materialize. In   heartfelt intentions, and behold the
          energizing and open to dialogue, it could   this phase there is a need to let go of   future possibilities.
          be ready to gain freedom to be creative
          Covey, S. (1989). The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Habit 2. New York, Simon and Schuster.
          Diamandis, P. H., & Kotler, S. (2012). Abundance: The Future Is Better Than You Think. Simon and Schuster.
          Meadows, D. (2001). Dancing With Systems. Whole Earth, 106, 58-63.
          Scharmer, C. O., & Kaufer, K. (2013). Leading From the Emerging Future: From Ego-System to Eco-System Economies.
          Berrett-Koehler Publishers.
          Senge, P. M., Scharmer, C. O., Jaworski, J., & Flowers, B. S. (2004). Presence: Human Purpose and the Field of the
          Future (Vol. 20081). Cambridge, MA: SoL.
          Smith, K. K. (2019). The Abundance-Scarcity Paradox. OUTSKIRTS Press.

                        About the Author
                        Dr. Bonnie Lehet (@blehet) retired from the Princeton Public Schools where she was the Mathematics
                        Supervisor and Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction. She is now an Assistant
                        Professor in Educational Leadership in Rider University’s Graduate Education, Leadership, and
                        Counseling Department.

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -17-       Spring 2021
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