Page 17 - EdViewptsSpring2021
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Providing Specific Tutorials Developing a Monthly District Connecting “Open” Sessions
and Practice in Digital Tools Educational Technology to Formal District PD
Using the survey data, I then planned Newsletter As built-in professional development
for specific training sessions to take Teachers were focusing on beginning sessions have occurred within the
place before the school year began. the school year with virtual instruc- school calendar, the need for more
The main priority was a Google-based tion, which made the need for the formal technology-based training has
training with a focus on Classroom training and support to be convenient been important based on the remote
and Meet. This session was designed and practical. To meet this need, I learning situation. The direction
as a basic session for beginners, decided to implement a combination of of these more official professional
but also included some tips and simple supports, all of which would be development sessions has been
tricks for more experienced Google voluntary in nature. The first supports influenced by the smaller, voluntary
users. At the time, Google Meet had were in the form of a monthly newslet- sessions. When collaborating and
recently become a part of the Google ter and five to ten-minute screencast supporting the teachers in the smaller
Classroom Stream, and this was a overview of the newsletter. sessions, I get a better idea of who
priority to ensure all teachers knew has and has not been trained in the
how to launch a Meet from Classroom. The monthly newsletter was named various digital tools that are being
Janssen and Lazonder (2015) Tech Time! This newsletter focused discussed. This allows for the more
determined that teachers prefer to be on the areas of Google for Education formal training days to be directed in a
trained in future-based technology updates, digital tools and technology more efficient and meaningful way with
support, which made the need for resources, and a spotlight focus on a regard to digital tools support.
the very latest technology updates specific digital tool, such as Edpuzzle
important to be shared with all staff. or Edmodo. A new newsletter is re- Final Thoughts
leased each month, along with a video
Additional sessions included training in overview that highlights the contents The educational world is forever
digital tools such as Nearpod, Google of the newsletter. The newsletters and changed with the switch to and ongoing
Jamboard, Slido, Poll Everywhere, video overviews are emailed out to all reliance on remote and digital learning.
Flipgrid, and Padlet. I chose to focus district staff. Many educators have adapted quickly
on these digital tools based on provid- to what was a complete disruption to the
ing more interactive ways to engage Offering Monthly District normal process of traditional teaching
students in lessons online. Each ses- “Open” PD due to COVID-19. However, even the
sion lasted about an hour and was a most tech savvy teachers can benefit
combination of a tutorial followed by a Shortly after each monthly newsletter from ongoing support with the immense
practice session for building lessons is sent out, I facilitate an open profes- amount of existing and developing
using the tool.Teachers were also sional development session via Google digital tools that exist today. The combi-
encouraged to share their work and Meet. Although these sessions are nation of surveying, monthly technology
to offer commendations and construc- based on reviewing the contents of the based newsletters, short video tutorials,
tive feedback to their peers. Tondeur monthly Tech Time newsletter, staff and voluntary professional development
et al. (2020) found that collaboration may also ask any technology-based support sessions can work to keep staff
played a strong role in positive teacher questions that they may have. Some updated on the wide world of educa-
attitudes toward digital based training, staff members attend simply to listen in tional technology that is ever expanding.
which was an important part of these so that they can gain information from Even with an eventual return to tradition-
training sessions as well. questions that other staff members ask. al education on the hopeful horizon, the
These sessions occur directly after integration of technology resources is
school hours, so that staff can join in now a much more common component
right after their teaching time ends. of teachers’ digital toolboxes.
Tondeur, J., Howard, S. K., & Yang, J. (2020). One-size does not fit all: Towards an adaptive
model to develop preservice teachers’ digital competencies. Computers in Human Behavior, 116.
About the Author
Dr. Scott Marakovits is a member of the Curriculum Department at Salem County Vocational & Technical
Schools. Dr. Marakovits works in the district areas of grants, curriculum, instruction and educational
technology. He is a Google Certified Educator, provides frequent teacher training in digital tools, and has
been published online by the National Afterschool Association for his work with technology. Dr. Marakovits
is an Adjunct Professor of Science at Salem Community College and at American College of Education in
the area of STEM Leadership. LinkedIn:
Educational Viewpoints -15- Spring 2021