Page 18 - EdViewptsSpring2021
P. 18

Leading and Listening

      for the Future

      By Dr. Bonnie Lehet, Assistant Professor in Educational Leadership,
      Rider University

      With darkness comes light            experience just endured? And with that   health. This status quo story wants to
      and with light comes clearer         recognition can something creative   get back to business as usual. Chaos,
                                                                                the contrary narrative, may demonstrate
                                           come from this past experience?
      vision. While change is difficult, it   Leaders must communicate clearly   a lack of agency and willingness to
      may be especially confusing in times   on good and bad days, for typical and   heal. In educational change efforts, this
      of disruption such as the impact of   unique reasons, and with purpose that is   may be viewed as a path of barriers.
      recent challenges – the pandemic,    mundane and extraordinary. In crafting   Finally, the quest narrative focuses
      racial injustices, and an insurrection   a message, Arthur Frank’s (2013) view   on the possibility for the future. In
      on our Capitol. School systems have   of a "wounded storyteller" as "anyone   changing systems, this path includes
      responded to the sudden need to adapt,   who has suffered and lived to tell the   voice, purpose and agency for change.
      but what happens next? Do the systems   tale" may provide a helpful context (p.   Using the quest narrative as the natural
      snap back to what was or break through   xi). Whether exhaustion, grief or actual   leadership path forward may find
      to another model for being? A leader's   illness, some level of recovery may   resistance from some members of the
      intentional message and path may     follow the events that have transpired.   system, especially if others see the path
      drive the system’s direction once the   Frank offers three storytelling narratives   through a restitution or chaos lens. Two
      darkness lifts and the pressures shift,   – restitution, chaos, and quest – that   contexts may offer reason to listen in
      but once students and teachers return   serve the purpose when asking what   this effort – abundance and systems
      to their classrooms, will there be a   comes next. Restitution, the preferred   thinking, both enabling ideas to flow
      recognition of the potentially traumatic   narrative, is about fixing and restoring   into the future.

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -16-       Spring 2021
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