Page 37 - EdViewptsSpring2021
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and fewer than 200 staff members.    plan, there is no goal, other than to be
          With such a small staff everyone had   together. We will celebrate and we will   Our teachers had just
          their “person,” or group of people that   process issues. And most importantly,   spent their spring and
          they relied on for emotional support,   if a supervisor asked you to do
          laughter, collegiality, and fun. Our   something, just throw your hands up   now their summer
          staff is made up of: best men and    in the air and say “IN A PANDEMIC?!”   changing everything
          maids of honor, God parents, mentors,   Our meetings have focused on topics   they ever knew about
          mentees, and best friends. Anyone    such as: What do you miss from
          who has ever been an educator can    the “time before,” Quarantine silver   teaching. They were
          close their eyes and picture in their   linings, best things to binge watch on   drained. Physically and
          mind their school person. They would   Netflix, holiday traditions that have
          drop into your classroom between     been affected by COVID-19, and        emotionally drained.
          periods. They would put a cupcake    the pressure of being a technology    The toll everyone had
          on your desk for your birthday, or sit   immigrant vs a technology native.   been paying since
          next to you at the school play. We lost   Over the course of the last five
          that in March. No one expected that it   months, Better.Together has       March 13, 2020 was
          would still be gone in September. This   developed a following of regulars   beginning to show.
          is how Better.Together was formed.   and each week we have welcomed
          The social-emotional wellness        newcomers. We have created a digital   Better.Together has taught me
          committee at KPS decided that we     bulletin board that is shared each   about the importance of having our
          should create a safe, voluntary, and   week with articles, movie and TV   “people” in education. It has taught
          comforting place for staff to gather on   recommendations, and even recipes.   our group to never take for granted
          a semi-regular basis to be together.   In fact, one public service that has   the power of our school community
          So, on the third Monday in September   developed out of Better.Together has   for not just uplifting us professionally,
          we held our very first meeting. As   been our weekly meal prep emails.    but personally as well. At our next
          the facilitator, much to my surprise   One common complaint of staff      meeting we will be discussing: The
          our first meeting was incredibly well   members was about ideas for their   Toll – the toll we have paid, the toll we
          attended. All staff: teachers, aides,   weekly meal prep. As the facilitator of   are paying, and unfortunately, the toll
          custodians, administrators, and even   the group, I scour the Shoprite circular   that may be to come. I expect that this
          our superintendent were invited. At   each week for deals and email staff   meeting will be solemn and heavy, but
          that meeting, as the group facilitator,   two or three recipes that they can   I expect that we will process through
          we created our group norms and our   prepare for the upcoming school week.  and come out of it Better.Together.
          mantra. In Better.Together, there is no

           About the Author
                        Joe Palumbo has served in public education for the last 11 years. Joe began his career as a school
                        counselor for the Long Branch Public School District. In that time, Joe focuses his efforts on working with
                        first generation college students and students pursuing alternatives to college. For the last four years,
                        Joe has served as the Director of School Counseling in the Keyport Public School District. He is the Vice
                        President of the Monmouth County Guidance Directors Association and has presented at conferences
                        locally and nationally for the New Jersey School Counselors Association, the New Jersey Association for
                        College Admissions Counselors, and the National Association for College Admissions Counselors.

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                                            Educational Viewpoints       -35-       Spring 2021
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