Page 39 - EdViewptsSpring2021
P. 39

Emails and phone calls started to        Counselors began to virtually
          become regular. But not in the way       meet with students struggling with   It was early spring
          one would expect. Rather, more           the sudden transition. In addition,   during virtual learn-
          often than not, it was from parents      in appropriate settings, parents
          with concerns and worries about the      were invited to attend as well. In   ing that we realized
          following:                               order for students to succeed,    district administration
            1.  Wondering how they could           it was imperative for parents to   needed to pivot and
              effectively be their child’s teacher  have the confidence to support   be a different type
            2.  Learning how Google Classroom      their children.
              works                              3. Acknowledging the strain and     of leader for Holland
            3.  Connectivity and availability of   hardships the shift to virtual    Township. I would ar-
                                                   learning has had on all members
              the Internet                         of the family. Parents, like      gue parents/ guard-
            4.  Social isolation of their child    students, need to be assured that   ians needed social-
            5.  Providing the nutrition their      they are doing a great job! We
              children need                        all thrive in environments where   emotional support
          It was early spring during virtual       permission is granted and words   more than students.
          learning that we realized district       of encouragement are the norm.
          administration needed to pivot and be   4. Communication. As district         assignments when time was more
          a different type of leader for Holland   leaders, we owe it to our families   readily available. Also, if there
          Township. I would argue parents/         to share crucial information as      were tangible items teachers
          guardians needed social-emotional        soon as we know it. This allows      needed their students to have, we
          support more than students. So what      for proper planning, especially      placed large bins on the school’s
          did we do?                               for families with smaller children   porch for parents to retrieve
            1. The role of the IT Team shifted     who need the assistance of           the items when they could.
              to an “Amazon Prime one-day          others with virtual learning. In     Recognizing the plight families
              delivery-type” department. They      addition, teachers asked parents     faced, providing extended time
              delivered Chromebooks/iPads to       what they needed in order to plan    helped ease anxiety.
              students in need. They provided      for the day-to-day. Our Grade 1   6. Food/Nutrition. With families
              hot spots for families without       Teachers, for example, learned       experiencing financial hardship,
              internet access. They listened       that parents would like the links/   district administration made sure
              and coached parents as they          downloads for the next day’s         students received daily meals.
              navigated the world of technology    lesson the night before. This, in    Through coordinated efforts with
              and Google Classroom. Their          turn, allowed them to prepare for    food service providers, meals
              involvement and support cannot       a smooth start at the beginning      were packed and delivered to
              be underscored enough. We            of the day. Having parents           homes.
              found that in order to quell         as equal partners because of     The role of a school leader is ever-
              parental anxieties one needed to,    ongoing communication helped     evolving. The events of the past year
              for the moment, redefine the job     tremendously.                    brought to the forefront the importance
              description of the IT department.   5. The gift of time. While a typical   of district administrators leading with
              To this day, Holland Township’s IT   school day has a start and end   care and compassion. We aren’t
              Department continues to support      time, during these challenging   just present for the students when
              the community in this capacity       times, we made simple            they are in school; we are partners
            2. Broadening the role of School       exceptions that proved to be     with every single family. I will take
              Counselors. While the counselors     beyond beneficial. Teachers were   lessons learned from this past year
              continued to meet with their         encouraged to, when appropriate,   and continue working with families to
              various groups virtually, it became   disable the due dates in Google   strengthen the home-school-home
              evident that a new batch of          Classroom so students and        relationship.
              students needed SEL support.         parents had time to work on

           About the Author

                        Susan Wardell is the Principal/Curriculum Coordinator in Holland Township School. She is the happiest
                        when supporting teachers, students, and families. She lives in Morris County with her husband and
                        daughter. Twitter: @swardell76

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -37-       Spring 2021
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