Page 41 - EdViewptsSpring2021
P. 41

few studies on wellness and self-    Self-reflection adds to
          efficacy of teachers and far fewer on   improved wellness                  In my experience, the
          administrators- especially during the                                      angst of falling behind
          pandemic. “There’s no clear picture   Self-reflection and self-awareness are
          of just how educators are faring in   very much connected to each other.   in obligations prevents
          the wake of this year’s teaching     The definition of self-reflection is the   time for self-care. Some
          experiment. Experts say all signs    exercising of introspection, coupled   leaders fear that their
          point to a crisis on par with the kind   with the willingness to learn about
          of trauma experienced after national   yourself, in order to help achieve self-  prestigious reputation is
          disasters” (Luthra, 2020).           awareness. Being self-aware means     at risk, and others have
          School leaders often sacrifice their   having a snapshot of our thoughts,   difficulty fully enjoying
          personal time to ensure that their   beliefs, emotions, motivations and
          students’ needs are addressed and    our personality in general. (Retrieved   personal time because
          routines function effectively, and   from:      of the guilt associated
          rarely make the appropriate lifestyle   today/post/the-art-of-self-awareness-  with taking time away
          changes to allocate time for self-care.   and-self-reflection-0000005.aspx, on
          Why might this be? People are often   January 1, 2020).                    from responsibilities.
          resistant to change, even if it benefits   Without awareness, it’s difficult to
          their own well-being. Contingency    steer emotions in a healthy direction   trigger your anxiety - checking your
          theory is an organizational theory that   or make good decisions. Ultimately,   social media or email, meetings
          highlights that change (an action) is   we can’t be good at our job or happy   or gatherings in a professional or
          contingent on external (social needs)   in our personal lives if our mental   personal setting, sitting in traffic, or
          and internal factors (the agency’s   fortitude is compromised. Awareness   being late. Reflect upon the people
          needs) (Thompson, 2008). This same   will equip you with the tools necessary   who regularly upset you. Acknowledge
          philosophy could be applied to individual   to improve your health and show   them and consider specifically why
          change, change is contingent upon the   more kindness and grace to yourself.   they upset you and how it makes
          needs of others (external) and the needs  Self-reflection and awareness can   you feel. Consider the nightmares
          of oneself (internal). Organizational   enhance personal wellness and aid   you have about your future and the
          change literature highlights that people   in sustaining positive personal and   reasons why these things worry you.
          are resistant to change for a number of   professional relationships during   Again, take note of how often and how
          reasons including “economic loss, loss   challenging times.               much energy you spend brewing over
          of status, loss of friends or associates,                                 these activities, with these people, and
          or job satisfaction” (Twain, 1983). In my                                 with these worries.
          experience, the angst of falling behind in   Considerations for reflection  Engaging in self-reflection activities
          obligations prevents time for self-care.                                  will bring forth awareness of
          Some leaders fear that their prestigious   Self-reflection can be done in a myriad   your feelings and defenses, and
          reputation is at risk, and others have   of ways, but I recommend writing   a meaningful understanding or
          difficulty fully enjoying personal time   reflections in a notepad or journal.   reconceptualization of the events
          because of the guilt associated with   While reflecting, it’s important to   that transpire throughout your daily
          taking time away from responsibilities.   consider the following three domains:   routines. Once you learn the cause
                                               actions and/or hobbies which make you
          “Change agents” who believe in new   feel full, alive, content, and at peace;   and effect of your stressors, you have
          ideas and strategies are needed      the people who bring joy to your life by   the ability to take control and make
          to propel change in organizations.   making you feel supported, loved, and   necessary changes.
          In our personal lives, we must be    accepted; and your immediate or long-
          the “change agents'' of our destiny,   term goals and dreams.
          happiness, and well-being. We need                                        Redirecting your energy
          to be as generous to ourselves as    Take the time to fully consider each
          we are to others. Small allocations of   domain. Then, dig a little deeper to   It's important to consider where your
          time for self-care will go a long way in   cognitively process how and/or why   energy is focused. Living things are
          maintaining one's wellness, and will   those actions, people, and goals   meant to grow, but need energy to
          not hinder one's ability to maintain   bring joy to your life. Finally, take note   grow. The energy within you is what
          their work obligations. As a matter   of how often you engage in these    empowers you. The actions/hobbies
          of fact, focusing on one’s health and   actions, with these people, and on   you enjoy, the people who support
          attitude is instrumental in improving   your goals and dreams.            you, and your goals and dreams are
          workplace obligations. After all, if   Next, consider actions that bring   your energy sources. Your energy
          school leaders are failing in terms   you anxiety. Reflect upon the very   drainers are the actions, people, and
          of their own well-being, students will   specific things that upset you. Perhaps   anti-goals that give you anxiety. Where
          indeed be impacted.                  you often wake up refreshed and      are you focusing your energy? Are
                                               in good spirits but things happen to   you using more energy and time on

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