Page 47 - EdViewptsSpring2021
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success. Through systemic planning   in authentic learning opportunities
          and implementation, we have          enabling them to make meaningful      In the 21st Century,
          focused on a multi-year professional   contributions to the world. The     change is happening
          development plan that ties directly into   acknowledgement that technology has
          our district and building goals.     moved faster than pedagogy must be    faster in the outside sec-
          Professional development is necessary   the driving force for administrators in   tor than in the field of
          in fostering growth, not only in the art   setting long-term goals and choosing   education, we are pre-
          and science of teaching, but also in   timely and relevant professional    paring students for ca-
          developing teacher leadership and    development.
          expanding passion for education. The   With the creation of the West PD    reers that may not even
          most effective teachers are also those   Academy our staff has benefited   exist. These changes
          who see themselves as learners. Once   from additional days of professional
          educators recognize that they have   learning, where an entire department   are forcing the need for
          not learned all there is to know just   works with leaders in the field of   educators to continually
          yet the door is wide open to continue   education in targeted PD of their   learn and grow.
          to learn and grow. It is impossible to   choosing. We brought in authors
          teach digital natives and 21st Century   from Solution Tree to support our
          learners using a 19th Century model.   staff in mathematics, English and   to support our work in culturally
                                                                                    proficient practices, neuroscience and
          Our system has evolved from one that   social studies to provide relevant and   learning, trauma informed classrooms,
          focused on religion, family, and virtues   recent pedagogical strategies and   Restorative Practices, and 21st
          in the 1600s, to one that celebrates the   information. Our math teachers spent   century learning and teaching.
          progression of learning. Introduced by   two days of training with author Erhan
          John Dewey in the 1880s the idea of   Selcuk Haciomeroglu working to      We always hear teachers are our best
          a progressive education, educates the   unpack Making Sense of Mathematics   resource and through our focused and
          child to reach their fullest potential, not   for Teaching High School: The TQE   intentional professional development
          just by learning facts, but by being able   Process. Fundamentally, this work   we have been able to provide a staff
          to participate in a democratic society.   forced our staff to view mathematics   who run the gamut of several months
          This philosophy became widespread    from the perspective of both a teacher   of experience to those who are
          throughout the United States in the   and student. Using techniques where   close to the end of their careers and
          1930s and is still fundamental in    they processed tasks, questions, and   everything in-between a layered and
          education today. Since the beginning of   evidence, the staff were able to focus   articulated plan for our expectations
          public education, the needs and ideals   on what makes mathematics difficult   for ongoing professional growth. Our
          of society have determined what is   for students and explore avenues to   professional meetings are also run
          most important in educating its citizens   help them overcome the barriers to   in a workshop format as a way for
          and gradually those needs change. In   their learning.                    our staff to practice new pedagogical
          the 21st Century, change is happening   Our English and social studies    strategies and develop tools for their
          faster in the outside sector than in the   teachers worked with Kathy Tuchman   classrooms. As time is essential,
          field of education, we are preparing   Glass, author of The New Art and   we also incorporate collaboration
          students for careers that may not even   Science of Teaching Writing to provide   and reflection as part of each of our
          exist. These changes are forcing the   foundational work for both disciplines   meeting agendas. You will find an
          need for educators to continually learn   to enhance writing skills to meet   opening in the form of a SEL practice,
          and grow.                            the requirements of a 21st Century   an activity in the form of a problem-
          “The term “21st-century skills” is   learner. With the coordination of both   based learning example, and an
                                                                                    exit ticket in the format of a blended
          generally used to refer to the core   departments receiving this workshop   learning template. It is evident that
          competencies: collaboration, digital   cross content connections were     as educators we have committed
          literacy, critical thinking, and problem-  established and students received   to lifelong learning. At Cherry Hill
          solving that advocates believe schools   lessons and feedback in the same way   High School West, we have created
          need to teach to help students       in both disciplines, thus helping them   a means to provide our staff these
          thrive in today’s world. In a broader   strengthen their writing. We partnered   opportunities above and beyond what
          sense, however, the idea of what     with Rowan University where their    we have been afforded in our in-
          learning in the 21st century should   department chairs brought our world   service time. We all have a passion
          look like is open to interpretation—  language teachers recent work in    for learning and teaching, it is our
          and controversy”. (Rich, 2010)       global learning, and our counselors   responsibility to continue to cultivate
          According to Boss (2019), the 4 C’s:   and guidance staff received updated   this for our entire learning community.
          communication, collaboration, critical   training in working with students
          thinking, and creativity allow educators   struggling with anxiety and school
          to move away from the textbook       avoidance issues. We have continued
          and provide real-world scenarios     with our West PD Academy and
          that require students to participate   have incorporated additional experts

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