Page 50 - EdViewptsSpring2021
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instructional reform and improved    introduced and had not met in person.
      student equity. The “Strengthening   There was no release time possible    Excitement for a new
      Teaching, Leading, and Learning”     during the pivot to remote instruction.   challenge was mixed
      grant opportunity entered this complex   The teachers couldn’t be expected
      landscape, coming into focus as the   to simultaneously juggle present and   with the inevitable so-
      accelerator to manage instructional   future instructional obligations given   cial-emotional aspects
      change for a new team of teachers    the emergent landscape.               of the change process
      convened from across the district at a   Eyes on the calendar, our journey had
      reinvented school.                   now become a race. The need for       that were magnified by
      The “STL&L” grant is centered around   September-readiness loomed in front   the crisis, such as mourn-
      the framework of the Connected       of our race team. As school closed,   ing the missed good-
      Action Roadmap and the New Jersey    what had been planned as a six month
      Department of Education-Connected    ramp-up became a steep course. The    byes to students, as well
      Action Roadmap Instructional Units.   temptation to “push through the pain” in   as to their elementary
      The instructional units exist in a   a mad dash to the finish line was real.   colleagues and schools
      template format and provide unpacked   But at what cost? Even a race against
      student-friendly learning objectives,   time requires strategic readiness.   left behind.
      enabling professional learning       Two questions loomed largely in front
      communities to begin collaborative   of us:                               These important conversations with
      unit design for a viable, standards-                                      the supervisor led to the introduction
      based curriculum. Our application and   •  “How could we authentically    of the project coach, training in CAR,
      selection to participate in the grant    engage teachers in remote future   an examination of pertinent research
      project afforded our district an assigned   planning and unit preparation   on instruction in the land of COVID,
      FEA Coach to support the fifth grade     for school opening given the     and establishment of a virtual PLC.
      PLC in applying the CAR approach to      significant barriers?”           Building the capacity for working
      fifth grade math curricular design work.   •  “How could we build our teacher’s   together came next with an overview
      The engagement of math content           capacity and comfortability to   of the project and the teachers’ role in
      specialists in this rigorous and         come together as a new team,     the work. Several days of unexpected
      research-founded process with            not having met face-to-face?”    PLC time were scheduled at the end
      coach support addressed four key     In any race, there are times you look   of the school year, providing critical
      needs of our second order change:    to lead and there are times you look to   time to shift the pace from neutral to
      (1) the redesign of the fifth grade   keep pace. Our preparation consisted   zooming ahead.
      math curriculum to improve student   of a plan for pacing that acknowledged   We abandoned our pre-COVID,
      achievement; (2) successful transition   the current landscape, the support   in-person project roll-out. At the
      of teacher roles from elementary     team of the Math Supervisor and the   forefront was intentional planning to
      generalists to middle level specialists;   grant project coach, the CAR process,   re-shape how to move forward in the
      (3) capacity-building for the new    and the DOE-CAR units.               virtual landscape with this intensive
      team as they transitioned to their new   Zoom Coffee-talks with their new   time that was found. In lieu of chalk
      setting; (4) establishment of a culture   Supervisor, not workshops, were a   talk, coach-led sessions provided
      of teacher leadership for the new PLC.   critical first step that allowed the team   time to explore resources created to
                                           to engage with each other. Teachers   support designing the instructional
      The PLC Journey                      were provided an opportunity to      units. The use of jigsawed BreakOut

      The CAR framework is often explained   openly dialogue with the supervisor   Rooms gave the team members
      via the metaphor of a journey. Our   and a current teacher leader from    an opportunity to get to know one
      journey began with careful planning   their new building about the change   another. Guided-practice to build-out
      that led us to our teacher launch date   in their assignment, the transition   an SLO and design a unit module
      of March 13, 2020. Departmentaliza-  to a new building, and expectations   followed, with work initially in pairs and
      tion and grant convergence had made   for their new role. This conversation   then small groups. Teachers quickly
      time appear on our side, but CO-     acknowledged the roller coaster      requested to work together as a full
      VID-19 school closure intervened. Our   of emotions about these changes.   PLC team. The new team began to
      structured action plan was scrapped.   Excitement for a new challenge was   take shape.
      As the pandemic and education        mixed with the inevitable social-    Respect and trust were key
      crisis unfolded, we re-visited the plan   emotional aspects of the change   components of the structure of
      repeatedly. The initial months of the   process that were magnified by the   PLC work sessions that modeled
      shut-down left us uncertain about how   crisis, such as mourning the missed   our norms. Once we completed
      to move forward. Our team of teach-  goodbyes to students, as well as     the ground work with the teachers,
      ers and supervisor had not yet been   to their elementary colleagues and   we released them to move forward
                                           schools left behind.

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -48-       Spring 2021
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