Page 53 - EdViewptsSpring2021
P. 53

I believed schools needed, but also   watch the puzzled looks on the faces
          as being the first person in my family   of new administrators, as they seem   Having to admit I just
          to receive an advanced degree, to    to look at me and say, “I can’t do that!   couldn't keep up was
          “make a name for myself”. I felt that   I'm way too busy!” I do my best to
          I needed to prove to everyone who    reassure them that all their “worries”   one of the hardest
          thought it could never happen that it   will still be there, regardless of whether   things I've ever had to
          could! I remember, at the beginning of   or not they answer their emails or   do. But having realized
          my career, being in the office before   make contact with other colleagues to
          7:00 a.m. and not leaving until at least   answer their questions.         it almost cost me much
          7:00 p.m. or 8:00 p.m. that evening. At   One afternoon in November, I opened   more than just not be-
          that time, in the early 2000s, there was   up my Instagram account and came
          a big paradigm shift happening, where   across a picture of an empty school   ing able to do it all; it
          the building leaders were being looked   hallway. There were lockers on either   convinced me I had to
          at to facilitate more of the instructional   side, just as you would see in most   make a change.
          programming. The term “instructional   middle and high schools. The quote
          leader” was the hot topic. Principals   read as such:
          needed to do more than manage a                                           the expectation is that anyone can
          building and provide support to the    “I know Covid it is hard on my     contact you at any time. Well, guess
          teachers, families, and staff. Never   students, families, staff and      what? They can’t! You have the right,
          having that confidence in my abilities,   teachers, and community. But    and the power, to say No! We have
          I always felt as though I had to put   running a school right now feels   to continually remind ourselves that
          in the extra work, the extra time, the   impossible and thankless. I have   it is okay if we do not answer a text
          extra effort to make sure I did not look   to be strong, positive, and brave   immediately. It is okay to not answer
          like I did not belong in the position.  for everyone. I'm exhausted. I just   an email on the same day, and most
                                                                                    importantly, it’s okay to leave the office
          Not eating lunch, drinking only coffee,   had to tell someone... Principal is   for the day and not bring the office
                                                 not okay.”
          not exercising, and putting the job                                       home with you. Once you have left the
          before everything else in my life    I thought, “WOW!” That's someone     office, your focus needs to be on your
          finally took its toll. Having to admit I   who gets it! I copied the picture of   health and wellness and the wellness
          just couldn't keep up was one of the   the quote and pasted it to a new post   of your family and loved ones.
          hardest things I've ever had to do.   I created on my LinkedIn page. My
          But having realized it almost cost me   caption simply read, “This is the truth!   Since that post, I have made some
          much more than just not being able to   We need check-ins as well... :).”   amazing connections with health and
          do it all; it convinced me I had to make   Though I am not one to post a lot on   wellness professionals who offered
          a change.                            the site, I really just put it up there   their help. People such as April
                                                                                    Walters , from Fuel Your Optimal Self,
          As part of our work at the NJPSA/FEA   because it resonated with me, and   and Mark Smylie , one of the authors
          Leadership Academy, our curriculum   I knew other people were definitely   of the book Caring School Leadership,
          development and presentations        feeling the same way. I didn't expect to   reached out to offer support and ask
          are focused on various types of      have anyone post comments, nor did I   what they could do for us. It made me
          instructional and non-instructional   expect many views of the post. I think   question if there is an army of us out
          work that spans every position       the most views I received over the   there, why are we so hesitant to ask
          designated as administration. Though   years was maybe 100! To my surprise,   for the help of the people who live
          all the presentations are differentiated   the post recorded over 67,000 views,   the same job we do each day? I think
          to match the needs of those positions,   over 3,000 reactions, and over 600   it goes back to the feeling of having
          one thing I always make sure to      comments. This quote resonated       to know all the answers. Imagine if
          include is to share the importance of   with people all over the state, the   we collaborated more, shared more,
          taking the time to take care of yourself.  country, and the world. I truly believe   asked for help or advice more? The
          As Covid-19 has shifted our          that people realized they have been   results would transform the way we
                                               the caring leader for everyone else,
          presentations to virtual, I also share   but who was caring for them? The   know administration to be today.
          the same message I share during our   unfortunate probability is no one.  In addition to other administrators and
          in-person training. That is, to take this                                 friends in the educational field who
          time for yourself and allow yourself to   We always think we need to complete   feel the same way, there are some
          be okay with just looking after YOU   tasks asap, to get it off our plate, so   amazing and wonderful people out
          for the next 4 hours. Emails can wait,   we can rush right on to completing   there. You know them, the ones who
          other matters can wait for the period   the next task. Why is this? I think   let you see there is still good in the
          of time they are present and have    the answer is easy. Look at your life   world, who want to offer support if and
          a clear mind so they can enjoy the   in general. We are accessible 24     when you need it. Do not look at your
          experience. It's always fun though to   hours a day, 7 days a week. With   position as one in which you need to
                                               mobile phones, email, social media,

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -51-       Spring 2021
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