Page 56 - EdViewptsSpring2021
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it, but do we communicate why we do   of a team vision directly from our Five-
      it? In academia, the “what” and “how”   Year Curriculum Team and remains   Your vision is a written
      are evident. What we do is teach and   our focus states; “North Warren     representation of your
      guide. How we approach teaching is   Regional will meet student needs
      dependent on our style. But, why do   through a program that is efficient,   leadership. It is also
      we do the things we do? Why don’t    standards based and grounded in best   paramount that you
      we always start with “why”? According   practices in instruction for all students.   share this statement
      to Becoming Your Best (BYB), less    This vision will be realized through the
      than 1% of leaders have a clear,     development of rigorous curriculum,   with your constituents
      written vision. A personal vision should   modern career pathways, a focus   to enhance your ac-
      highlight who you are and how you    on meaningful assessment and
      want others to view you as a leader.   consistent, individualized professional   countability.
      Think of it as your legacy and how   learning.” This vision keeps us focused
      you want people to remember you. An   on our collective “why” and regardless   Step 4: Solve Problems as a
      excerpt from my vision is “I center my   of the challenges presented to us, we   Team
      leadership around collaboration and   remain dedicated to this purpose.
      focus on improvement in achievement,                                      Perhaps the most powerful outcome
      communication and culture.” When                                          of this philosophy is how we work
      developing your vision, it is essential   Step 3: Focus on Meaningful     together as teacher leaders and
      that you use affirmative words such   Goals                               administration. Our team has an
      as is, will, and am instead of want,                                      established trust and respect, and we
      try, etc. Your vision is a written   Only 10% of people have clearly      approach “big issues” together. There
      representation of your leadership.   written goals yet according to BYB,   may never be a more challenging
      It is also paramount that you share   you are 90% more likely to accomplish   hurdle for educators than the recent
      this statement with your constituents   a goal when it is written. Sharing that   COVID recommendations on schools.
      to enhance your accountability. Your   written goal makes you 33% more    Our teams have engaged in a
      personal vision reflects your “why” and   likely to accomplish it. The act of   process called the Six Step Process
      your purpose.                        writing goals down and increasing    as outlined in the book Start with the
                                           accountability leads to a focus on what   Vision. This process revolves around
                                           matters most. School leaders must    a paradigm shift. Instead of focusing
      Step 2: Develop Visionary            focus on both. How does this relate to   on the problem, it shifts focus to the
      Teams                                teams and collaboration? All members   vision. This allows teams to focus on
                                                                                results. If done correctly teams will
                                           in the district have access to our vision
      The integration of school-based teams   and goals. Furthermore, our teams   focus their energy on the solutions
      has transformed the culture in our   either create or review goals before   to the problems; not the problems
      school and the relationship between   officially adopting them for the school   themselves (Shallenberger, 2019). It
      administration and staff. During my   year thereby improving commitment   allows for a voice among all members
      tenure at North Warren Regional, we   and accountability. To take this a   and taps into the creativity of all team
      have initiated a Five-Year Curriculum   step further, PDPs are based on   members.
      Team, Academic Council, Technology   the overarching goals of the district.   As our school navigated the challenge
      Steering Committee, Becoming Your    These goals are written as S.M.A.R.T   of reopening school and making
      Best Task Force, Instructional Tech   (Specific, Measurable, Achievable,   changes to that plan, we stepped
      Cohorts and Hybrid/Virtual Learning   Relevant and Time-based) goals. For   outside the proverbial box in our
      Teams. Teachers are motivated for    example, “By the end of October, plan   collaboration. We combined school-
      these volunteer positions in addition to   sustainable PD for staff that focuses   based teams and formed a “Hybrid
      participating in recommended teams   on individual needs and academic     Task Force.” This task force was
      such as ScIP. In our school, each of   improvements in the Hybrid/Virtual   then further broken down into three
      these teams developed its own vision   environment.” Even in the challenge   distinct planning groups whom each
      and goals.                           of COVID, our PDP goals link to the   completed the Six Step Process. Our
      When creating a team vision, it is   vision in the Five-Year Plan as well as   teams included a panel on Logistics,
      important to understand how this     a district-wide goals on Professional   Instructional Technology/Professional
      approach differs from a school mission   Development. Our goals keep us   Development and Instruction/
      statement. Focusing on the team and   focused on the “why” and give us    Assessment. Issues do not feel
      what they are trying to accomplish is   direction on our collective “what” and   insurmountable when engaging in this
      what sets a team vision apart from a   “how” in all decision-making.      manner. This process has transformed
      school mission statement. An example                                      our approach to concerns and issues,

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