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school, they are great counseling    ment goals and have their counselors   receptive, and I enjoyed my work - and
          practitioners themselves, and they are   develop a portfolio. In the “managing”   this happiness allowed me to be a
          able to build and maintain incredible   dimension, directors can organize   student of my profession.
          school counseling programs. School   data-informed priorities. In the “delivery”   Dr. Anita Young (2019) stated that, “As
          Counselor Leaders must be skillful   component, directors can ensure that   a profession, we have operationalized
          at balancing, being able to take     the work their counselors are doing truly   the term school counselor leader as a
          the plethora of duties they may be   matters – work that involves resources,   responsive change agent who is able to
          assigned because of the vagueness    presentations and the theoretical    integrate instructional and school coun-
          of their role, and come out having   foundation development we all began   seling best practices to initiate, devel-
          their school counseling programs     in our graduate programs. Finally, in the   op, and implement equitable services
          and departments commended for        “assess” component, school counselors’   to all students.” As a Director, I knew
          all the work they all do. This should   success of the program can be mea-  from before I interviewed that my goal
          be done while demonstrating the      sured by the before and after of inter-  was to change up the flow of things so
          interconnectedness of the different   ventions. During this portion, specific   more students can experience more
          departments within the school and the   professional development options can   success. I knew from my thirteen years
          various connections to the world at   be researched (Gooden-Alexis, S. &   of experience as a School Counselor
          large. I would say school counselors   Quintana, T., 2020).               that I have ideas, but I needed to coor-
          are the ‘anti-silos’. The leaders of this   If I had to pick a favorite component,   dinate them and be in a position where
          department have the potential to be   I would say it is delivery. Many of the   I can set up initiatives and policies
          the trailblazers - as long as they know   ideas from this portion are for practicum  to make those successes become a
          and live what a school counselor is   and internship experiences, and I often   reality. Social justice has always been
          and do not get stuck in duties that   say that we have to almost treat our   one of my goals in Jersey City, and I
          are inappropriate for them as well. In   work at whatever level we are at as one  carried it with me to Carteret. My goal
          addition to this, School Counseling   big internship. In this way, we stay open  is to get the students the opportunities
          Directors need to be confident and   to everything, we expect to learn, and   they need and allow the school coun-
          have faith in their work, the work of   we welcome and grow from mistakes.   selors to use their talents to deliver the
          their teams and the future as well; their   In my first year as a Director, I was   support. I knew that I already had the
          work is like an empty canvas, and they   just beginning to learn about my major   skill of collaboration that Dr. Young has
          have to add the color before anyone   responsibilities, which included the   spoken of in her article. And as a Direc-
          else decides to pencil things in for   district’s first SAT Day, implementing   tor, who is still trying to understand the
          them and for their school counselors.   Naviance (SAT School Day (2021),    lay of the land and who has deep roots
          So what should Directors of School   https://collegereadiness.collegeboard.  in the profession of those she is lead-
          Counseling Services do? When we think  org/sat/k12-educators/sat-school-  ing, I have complete confidence that,
          about the ASCA National Model and    day/about and Naviance (2021),       when managed carefully, the advocacy
          the four components - Define, Manage,  for my field and the vision I have in
          Deliver and Assess - Directors of School   naviance/), being charged with the   mind can become the real thing. I know
          Counseling Services are able to have   master schedule, being the School Test   that if you have a really good vision,
          a map to follow when doing their critical   Coordinator and evaluations, among   it will lead you to become a visionary,
          work with their counselors. In terms   other things. But in treating the job as a   and I believe that these are the people
          of “defining”, directors can review the   learning experience, I took the pressure  that the amazing profession of school
          district’s goals and the school’s improve-  off myself. I let myself stay positive and   counseling really deserves.

          Gooden-Alexis, S. & Quintana, T., (2020). Making Supervision Work, American School Counselor Association: Webinar
          Young, A. (2019), FROM DOER TO LEADER, ASCA School Counselor,

          Rumi > Quotes > Quotable Quote (2020),

          SAT School Day (2021),
          Naviance (2021),

                        About the Author
                        Sweety Patel is the Director of School Counseling Services for Carteret Public Schools in Carteret,
                        New Jersey. Prior to this role, Sweety was a School Counselor for Henry Snyder High School and
                        Renaissance Institute/U-CAN Academy in the Jersey City Public Schools. @SweetyP21

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