Page 67 - EdViewptsSpring2021
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Teacher empowerment is critical      classrooms. Teachers believe as      the push to infuse technology in
          to the retention of our teachers     evident from the previously mentioned   classrooms has been around long
          and ultimately the success of a      study that they are working much     before this pandemic, the suddenness
          generation of students. According to   harder than ever before. The gift of time  of remote schooling thrust teachers
          recommendations from the Learning    free of administrative mandates can   into uncharted territory. Suddenly apps
          Policy Institute, teachers desire stability   lead to powerful professional dialogue   and digital subscriptions are assisting
          in their assignments, supported positive  and consistency among the faculty.   in filling the void that teachers feel with
          and professional collaboration with   If you give effective teachers      incorporating technology effectively in
          colleagues and equitable distribution   respect, they will go above and   this new normal. It’s critical that school
          of challenging classes not related to   beyond expectations. It is positive   administrators meet teachers where
          experience. What teachers are asking   relationships within the school    they are and support them whenever
          for is really quite simple to provide:   community that keep teachers     financially possible with the tools
          unstructured time, respect and support.   motivated to perform. In a Ted Talk   that are comfortable. Professional
          In Laura Joffe Numeroff’s book If You   given by Christine Porath included in   development is also key but just as we
          Give a Mouse a Cookie, a mouse       a 2019 Forbes article, her research   encourage our teachers to differentiate
          makes a series of requests that lead to   about incivility determined that   instruction for students, we must
          various accomplishments. Somehow     having respect for people increases   differentiate for our teachers. One size
          a request for a glass of milk leads to   job potential and inspires learning   fits all approaches to Professional
          requests for a broom to sweep the    for all in an organization. Our      Learning especially when it involves
          house, a little boy to share his ability to   teachers have come under fire from   technology is just overwhelming and
          read a story as well as an opportunity   desperate parents to return schools to   does little to enhance professional
          to inspire the creation of an art piece.   normalcy lately. Demands for teacher   practice.
          Ultimately these are productive gains   accountability is not new but somehow   If you give a teacher the cookies they
          from simple requests.                it seems more pronounced during this   are asking for, the result is far greater
          If you give effective teachers       unprecedented time. It’s imperative for   than the consequence. Some may
          unstructured time they will likely seek   school administrators to restore the   read the book If You Give a Mouse a
          to collaborate with others and explore   respect that has been damaged.   Cookie as an example of how society
          various strategies and platforms. Many   If you give effective teachers support   creates dependency. In the world of
          teachers hold themselves accountable   both emotionally and with curricular   public education, empowering our
          to providing the best lessons for    resources, they will likely expand   most important asset, the teachers,
          their students and genuinely are     their professional practice in the   can only lead to a resilient future
          curious about how other teachers     classroom to deliver high quality    generation of respectful problem
          are managing these unprecedented     instruction for all students. Although   solvers in an unprecedented future.

          Marzano, Robert. The Art and Science of Teaching: A Comprehensive Framework for Effective Instruction, ASCD, 2007.
          Horace Mann Educators Corporation (NYSE:HMN). (2020). The Hidden Impact of Covid-19 on Educators: Rising Health
          Concerns, Lower Risk Tolerance and Benefit Gaps.
          Kini, Tara and Anne Podolsky. “Does Teaching Experience Increase Teacher Effectiveness?A Review of the Research”
          Learning Policy Institute. June 03, 2016.
          Caprino, Kathy. “3 Ways Your Leadership Will Improve When You Demonstrate More Respect” .Forbes. November 09,
          Porath, Christine.October 2018. “Why Being Respectful to your Coworkers is Good Business”[video] TED Conferences.

           About the Author

                        Deborah Droke has enjoyed 26 years as a public educator. She spent 17 years as a Middle School
                        Mathematics teacher both in the Pennsauken and Monroe Township (Williamstown) School Districts.
                        She left the classroom to become a K-12 all subject Instructional Support Coach for two years which led
                        to spending five years as the K-12 Mathematics Supervisor for the Monroe Township School District.
                        Currently, Deborah is the Director of Instruction for Mathematics and Science in the Northern Burlington
                        County Regional School District. She is married to a teacher she met her first year of teaching and both
                        are very proud of their three grown sons. Twitter handle: @DeborahDrokeNB

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