Page 69 - EdViewptsSpring2021
P. 69

In my small classroom of children,   till the time you go home.” I have   saw something in their background,
          I was comfortable and confident      never been short of words in my life   even a pet, I sent them an email or a
          in my decisions. I knew I had their   but at that moment I was gasping    chat message. The relationships were
          attention and their trust. What I said   for air. Once I was breathing again, I   blooming! My mindset was growing, I
          and did was not risky or even the    realized I was born to lead and I knew   was learning and almost a year later,
          least bit frightening. I had these kids   exactly what that day would look like.   I am still visiting zoom rooms, sending
          eating out of the palm of my hand.   I would walk in and greet everyone   notes, and establishing relationships
          In administration, this mindset was   there, which would not be many, as I   while leading along the way.
          not going to work. I needed to shift   would be super early! I then would put   All of this sounds so great and so
          to willingness to take a risk, to facing   my stuff in my office and proceed to   positive, but there were certainly some
          fears and getting out of my comfort   the grade level entry doors to begin   hiccups throughout the journey. That
          zone, and to being open to other     greeting staff and students. All day I   is where mindset became a huge
          beliefs and ideas.                   would pop in and out of classrooms,   piece. I was in a small, liberal district
          These shifts seem simple on the      the lunch room, the gym, the music   with a large, conservative mindset.
          surface but were quite difficult in the   rooms, until I met every teacher.   Daily, I had to remind myself that I had
          beginning. I was not only coming from   When walking in these classrooms, I   the ability to not only acknowledge
          a teacher to leader, but from a large   would look around and find something   different ideas but be open and
          district in a city where students took   positive to leave for the teacher. I   receptive to such. Coming in with
          taxis and trains to school, to a small   would leave positive notes on their   such a fixed mindset was a detriment.
          district in a neighborhood where most   desks or in their mailboxes. I would   Shifting toward the growth mindset
          students walked and everyone knew    stop kids and show a genuine interest   led me to places and ideas, I never
          one another. How was I ever going to   in them while introducing who I was.   imagined I would get to. Who would
          change this 12 year mindset? I had   At the end of the day, back to those   have thought that I could lead, change,
          to learn to grow and be open. I had to   grade level exit doors I would go.   adapt and learn all at the same time?
          learn it was okay to make mistakes so   This sounded like an amazing idea   Change is never easy. Mindset shift
          I could acquire new knowledge and    and a wonderful day of establishing   is never easy. But it is all doable.
          grow from them. I had to acknowledge   relationships and creating rapport.   Changing districts and/or changing
          that I took this leadership job for a   However, the pandemic hit….       job roles can be very intimidating,
          reason: to succeed and advance. I    All my fears and anxiety just became   but this can be managed. Be willing
          had to use my previous experiences   unbearably high. How was I going     to take risks, face fears, get out of
          as an athlete to remind myself that   to make this day go as planned? My   your comfort zone, and shift to being
          one day I could not shoot or dribble. I   mindset changed, right? It certainly   open to other beliefs and ideas.
          had to learn and be open to coaching   did. I was ready to learn and grow.   Every district and every job role
          and other ideas. It was and is not   Therefore, virtual walkthroughs it   presents challenges and beliefs, but
          easy, but certainly has allowed me to   was. I started by going to the biggest   an open mind and a growth mindset
          have an opportunity to thrive.       classes, the physical education      can allow you to overcome and grow
          Along with a mindset change, I had to   classes, the remote learning lunch/  in all situations. Carolyn Dweck
          find ways to establish relationships,   SEL period, art classes, elective   put it simply, “Love challenges, be
          create rapport, and alter some of    classes, etc. Then I started going   intrigued by mistakes, enjoy effort,
          my conservative beliefs. I vividly   to other classes and in each class   and keep on learning.” These were
          remember our superintendent saying   I followed up with a hand made       and are my keys to change and
          to me the day I signed my contract,   google slide with my Bitmoji with   success will follow.
          “Tell me about your first day. Walk me   some positive feedback. I did not just
          through what happens that day from   follow up with teachers but students
          the time you walk into the building   as well. If a student participated or I

           About the Author
                        Kristyn Suckow is an assistant principal at Highland Park Middle School. Prior to her administrative
                        career, she was a teacher of middle school Language Arts for 12 years. She has coached basketball,
                        soccer, and track and is a former Division 1 Basketball Player and Academic All American. Ms. Suckow
                        currently resides in Neptune, NJ with her fiancé, Damien, and they are expecting their first child in June.

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -67-       Spring 2021
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