Page 68 - EdViewptsSpring2021
P. 68
Adapting to a New Environment
as an Educational Leader
By Kristyn Suckow, Assistant Principal, Highland Park Middle School
Switching districts from a my willingness to adapt. Sharing my when changing positions. For 12
teacher of 12 years in one experiences, as well as what works years I was a teacher, a leader of
young children, in one classroom, in
and what does not work moving
place to an educational to an unfamiliar environment are a one building. I made decisions based
leader in an entirely new great reflection and hopefully a great on those students who sat before
me every day. I led those children to
place can cause a mixture Anxiety? For sure! Excitement? become the best students and best
of emotions including That too! Fear? How could I forget men and women they could become.
So, why was I feeling so differently in
anxiety, excitement, fear, that one? These are just a few of becoming an administrator? Wasn’t
the emotions I encountered when
changing districts as well as changing I just going to continue to lead and
etc. Being able to embrace change make decisions based on what was
and accept differences is a major from a teacher to a school leader. So before me?
part of this transition. With firsthand how does one deal with the change
experience of switching from a large, and the swirling of thoughts and Precisely. I was going to continue to
city school district to a small town, emotions running through your mind lead and make decisions. However,
square mile district, the changes have all day every day? my mindset about making decisions
been quite interesting. From different Mindset is a word we are all very with and for the 120 7th and 8th
beliefs to different demographics, my familiar with, but at times we refuse graders I taught, was going to change.
mindset has had to shift, as well as to change it. However, it is necessary I had to shift from a small, comfortable
mindset, to a larger, riskier mindset.
Educational Viewpoints -66- Spring 2021