Page 92 - EdViewptsSpring2021
P. 92
Student Choice and the
Universal Design for Learning
(UDL) in a Virtual Model
By Jennifer Carcich, Supervisor of Curriculum and Amy Mercado,
Technology Integration Specialist, Unity Charter School
Before COVID-19 hit are tailored to our students’ unique infused into curricula, specifically
the United States, we needs. Our classes were held in focused around the flexibility that
person with a large portion of lessons
UDL provides for students to gain
prided ourselves on utilizing collaboration, constructivist understanding of content and show
being a school that approaches, and cooperative their knowledge of that same content.
The aim of UDL is to use a variety
groupings that were inclusive to all
utilized Universal Design students. of teaching methods, tools, and
for Learning in our “Universal Design for Learning (UDL) strategies to remove any barriers to
learning and give all students equal
is a way of thinking about teaching and
programming. Unity Charter learning that helps give all students opportunities to succeed. As stated
School educates students in grades an equal opportunity to succeed.” before, it builds in flexibility for every
K-8 from 40 different sending districts (Amanda Morin, ) student’s strengths and needs.
in our great state of New Jersey. Our In recent times, conversations have UDL shares three guiding principles:
unique population has always led us focused on the urgent need to be sure multiple means of representation,
to create learning opportunities that that principles of UDL were being multiple means of action and
Educational Viewpoints -90- Spring 2021