Page 96 - EdViewptsSpring2021
P. 96

1. What is going on/happening in   grade student who, when first viewing
           this picture?                   the image of A Child’s Bath, told a   Students also
        2. What do you see that makes you   literal story about someone falling in   developed their
           say that?                       the mud and needing a bath. After six   capacity to back
        3. What more can you/we find?      lessons in Visual Thinking Strategies
      Second grade students participated   (VTS), this same student reflected on   up their opinions
                                           Charles Ephraim Burchfield’s (1893–
      in VTS lessons from October through   1967) Autumnal Fantasy and said he   with evidence, have
      May. At the end of the school year,   could “hear the birds cheeping.” The   their own opinions
      students’ writing scores were analyzed   good news is that research has shown
      for growth comparing their beginning   the ability to make inferences via   influenced by others,
      of the year writing assessment to    images transfers to making inferences   and became more
      their end of year assessment, utilizing   in other areas such as text.     comfortable listening
      Lucky Calkins’ Writing Pathways
      writing rubric. The same analysis was   Students also developed their      to diverse opinions.
      completed with writing samples from   capacity to back up their opinions
      students in a second grade class,    with evidence, have their own        This finding should inform educators
      which did not participate in VTS     opinions influenced by others, and   as to the type of images displayed
      lessons. Anecdotal records were also   became more comfortable listening   in elementary schools. Elementary
      kept to document students’ evolution   to diverse opinions. The question,   schools tend to be replete with realistic
      in thinking.                         “what do you see that makes you      and representational images, likely

      The results indicated many benefits   say that?” forced students to provide   by design of the adults in the building
                                           specific reasons for their opinions.
      of developing visual literacy in     Engaging in the exercise of backing   who assume these images are
      students. These include stronger use   up opinions with evidence has been   better suited to students. It would be
      of words when writing a narrative    shown to transfers to other academic   beneficial to students to include more
      and improvement in higher order      endeavors. Additionally, listening to   abstract images in the hallways of
      thinking, such as making inferences.   others opinions, and becoming more   elementary schools.
      In addition, students developed their   comfortable with listening to diverse   Improvement in students’ visual
      ability to form opinions, back up their   points of view, are quite relevant in   literacy, and all the benefits that go
      opinions with evidence, influence    today’s social climate and are skills   along with it, can be accomplished
      others' opinions and have their      necessary for students to engage in a   with small changes in curriculum
      own thinking influenced. Students    civil society.                       and instruction. Incorporating as
      also demonstrated more comfort                                            little as 30 minutes a month to
      with diverse points of view and an   Another benefit of exposure to VTS   facilitate Visual Thinking Strategies
      improvement in their listening skills.  lessons was the improvement in    lessons will have positive outcomes
      Students became stronger in their    students’ listening skills. During the   for students. Resources to support
                                           first few lessons, students had a
      use of word choice in their writing,   difficult time viewing for more than   VTS are already available in schools
      especially students for whom English   a few seconds. Over time, they     such as images found in children’s
      is not their first language. The     became more patient viewers and      literature. More resources are also
      increased exposure to oral language   demonstrated an ability to view for   available at to assist
      during the VTS discussion played a   longer and longer periods without    teachers with facilitating lessons and
      part in this development. As educators   insisting on speaking. Indeed,   selecting images. Investing some time
      know, exposure to a language rich    Yenawine describes the listening     to increase students’ abilities to make
      environment is key to supporting     skills of second graders as a nascent   more sense of what they see is a
      language development. Additionally,   behavior and something with which   worthwhile exercise. Elliot Eisner has
      Yenawine claims exposure to peer     they struggle and states, “The       said, “Children who do not learn to see
      level conversation, as opposed to    importance of listening is hard to   will not be able to write, not because
      adult conversation, plays an important   overestimate”.  This is something with   they cannot spell, but because they
      role in helping English learners     which most elementary educators      have nothing to say.”  A little effort
      develop their language skills as     would agree. Improved listening      will go a long way to help students
      students are exposed to language that   skills would benefit students in many   develop their skills in viewing and
      is within their reach developmentally.    aspects of their lives.         become better writers and thinkers.
      Peer level conversations are a large
      part of VTS lessons.                 Most interesting was the finding that
      VTS lessons also supported students’   abstract images, more than realistic
                                           or representational images, better
      ability to make inferences. Consider   enabled students to make inferences
      the evolution in thinking of this second
                                           and use higher level thinking skills.

                                            Educational Viewpoints       -94-       Spring 2021
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