Page 93 - EdViewptsSpring2021
P. 93

expression, and finally multiple     walk into – such as sharing the why of   During those two years, our school
          means of engagement. Two of these    learning, making connections within the   also moved to the math workshop
          principles can be seen as sections of   classroom, posing questions to students   model where our entire math
          a lesson.                            to inquire about, etc. This comes in   department was able to shadow math
            •  Multiple means of representation   multiple forms answering the question,   classes within the West Windsor-
              defined as providing multiple    “What makes the student excited about   Plainsboro Regional School District
              ways for students to understand   and engaged in their learning?”     to glean practices that worked in their
              the course content -- for example,   Unity Charter School’s entire staff   classrooms. We discovered that it
              a lecture by the instructor, a   spent two years educating ourselves   was UDL that was making this model
              video, or a listening activity like a   about UDL. We hired UDL consultant,   successful. Math teachers taught us
              podcast -- all being offered within   Sandra Wosniak, who led us through   about how to best utilize online tools
              the same “lesson.”               full day workshops, immersing us in   like Khan Academy and Desmos.
            •  Next moving to providing multiple   what it truly means to have multiple   They also showed us how to utilize a
                                                                                    variety of online math manipulatives
              means of action and expression   means of representation, action, and   as alternatives to actual manipulatives.
              defined as giving students the   engagement. We worked through        By allowing students choice of
              opportunity to work with the     activities that utilized numerous online   activities, they were able to apply the
              concept using different tools - for   tools including Padlet, Wordles,   knowledge they acquired through
              example a game, some sort of     Flipgrid, closed captioning on videos,   inquiry, exploration, and discourse,
              manipulative, a worksheet, or    and identifying the right tool for the job   coupled with small group instruction
              even inviting the students to write   within her magnificent livebinder. We   and conferencing. The students were
              a song about the concept.        balanced the online tools with activities   able to master math content and
          The final principle of UDL, multiple   that allowed students to build their   application with great success. Our
          means of engagement, leads to a      own knowledge and ask questions of   team was excited to integrate our new
          discussion of how to engage the      one another. Teachers started thinking   learnings, and we were off to a strong
          students in agency over their own    about how they could move from       2019-2020 school year with UDL
          continuing education. This may be    giving information, to having students   practices growing in each classroom.
          different in each classroom that you   unveil the information for themselves.   Little did we know that a pandemic

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