Page 37 - DistanceLearning
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and disruption in their ability to self-regulate. So, our teachers and   sess and make critical changes
        families needed a plan to work together to create home learning          to our remote learning program.      The meetings have also
        environments that resembled the normal school day.                       The meetings have also been          been helpful to parents
        From the start our plan needed to be comprehensive and consis-           helpful to parents as they battle    as they battle feelings of
        tent in order to effectively serve special education students who        feelings of failure as “co-teach-    failure as “co-teachers” for
        were going to experience many more challenges in this new learn-         ers” for their children or battle    their children or battle be-
        ing environment. Our remote learning plan began in full the first        behaviors endemic to teaching        haviors endemic to teach-
        day out of school (March 17). All students had been issued elec-         special education students           ing special education
        tronic devices before going home and they have been supported            while at home.                       students while at home.
        since then. To keep the electronics functioning, we pick up broken       Our plan has also included
        laptops, service them, and deliver them back to the students. Each  “rewards days” for students, similar to when we were in school.
        day all our students have been attending their regular scheduled         Students take part in a number of different fun activities online in
        classes via Google Meets with their teachers in virtual classrooms       google classrooms (bingo, movies, video gaming, hang-out dis-
        between 9 am and 12 pm. From 12 pm to 3 pm students then                 cussions, scavenger hunts, show & tell, etc.) for the day with their
        attend their related services. Our staff have been proactively en-       teachers and peers. These “rewards days” give our students a
        gaged in holding classes each day to give the students that “class-      break from academics, reward them for their hard work, but more
        room” feeling and valuable personal interaction so necessary for         importantly afford them the socialization time with peers they are
        our special needs students. Teachers incorporate various re-             lacking these days. We have also provided weekly messages to
        sources and instructional methods necessary to continue the IEP          the parents and students via staff collages and videos on our web-
        mandates and individualization for each of our students. Teachers        site to encourage and support their progress and patience.
        meet with administration several times per week to stay abreast of       Finally, we have included planning for virtual graduations for our
        issues and email parents daily regarding attendance and/or other         5th grade, 8th grade, and 12th grade graduates to include staff
        issues that may disrupt the learning process.                            speeches, family pictures, videos, student speeches, and other
        Our related services staff (OT, Speech & Language, Counseling)           backdrop decorations online to celebrate their achievements. We
        have been delivering the daily required services each students’          are going to hold as many end-of-year events online as possible,
        IEP delineates, and communicate daily with parents regarding             to deliver as much “normalcy” as feasible and are in the process
        attendance, support assistance, and behavioral concerns.                 of creating a comprehensive plan for the eventuality of an online

        In addition to academics and related services, we have continued         “virtual” ESY program for July.
        other programs with a remote distancing “twist”. Our staff hold          While we have been forced to explore and navigate our way
        meetings every couple of days to share information and ideas to          through this unprecedented situation, much like everyone else, we
        provide for our students’ needs online. IEP meetings are being           feel we have been as successful as possible while distance teach-
        held regularly to ensure our students and parents still receive          ing. It has been challenging keeping special education students
        services and progress updates. Teaching staff have developed             engaged and positive during a difficult time for them and their fam-
        and offered after school “virtual clubs” to replace our normal af-       ilies. Our parents have been a source of strength and support, and
        ter school clubs. These clubs have helped our students keep              keep us feeling successful with their many emails of praise and
        busy and share time with their peers while home. Every couple of         accolades for our remote learning efforts. Constant communication
        weeks counselors and administration host a parent therapeutic            and collaboration with our parents through this whole experience
        meeting via Zoom to share experiences, questions, and concerns           has been the key to our success.
        all parents have during this time. The meetings have helped us as-
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