Page 39 - DistanceLearning
P. 39

One of my strengths as a first year adminis-                             Finally, it’s vital to let our teachers

        trator was connecting to the PreK-5 students                             know how amazing they’ve been             That was a major goal
                                                                                 and how hard they’ve been work-           of mine, to create a
        in my building. Whenever I did the announcements, I would  ing. The emotional health of our                        sense of pride and
        end it with “Do Good, Be Good, For Good...Go Red Raiders!” It            teachers is something that is being       school spirit in the
        began to catch on, and whenever one of my students would see             somewhat overlooked during this           younger students, so
        me in the hallway, they would say that phrase to me and offer me         “new normal” of remote learning.          by the time they en-
        a hug or a high five. It was a great feeling. I’m a huge proponent       Many of them are trying to teach          tered middle school
        of school spirit and the benefits it brings to a school, so it made      their students and their children. I      (in the same building)
        me happy that something was beginning to stick. When something  know first-hand that it is a struggle              they had bought in.
        begins to stick, it becomes part of the fabric of the building, and in   to balance the two, as my wife is a
        turn, becomes part of the school culture. That was a major goal of       teacher and we have four-year-old twins and a seven-year-old. So,
        mine, to create a sense of pride and school spirit in the younger        we as an administration team, delivered a little something to every
        students, so by the time they entered middle school (in the same         teacher in Keyport Schools on the last day of Teacher Appreciation
        building) they had bought in. This would cut down on chronic ab-         Week with the hope that it put a smile on their face.
        senteeism and discipline problems.                                       Speaking of, I can’t wait to see everyone’s smile when we walk the
        But then the unthinkable happened, the building closed, but the          halls again, and oh I almost forgot--
        school did not. So we transitioned quickly and successfully to a re-     Do Good, Be Good, For Good! Go Red Raiders!
        mote learning platform. Grades PreK-2 created a blended learning
        plan that consisted of Google Classroom, Class Dojo and printed
        materials. Packets were created for grades PreK-2. Whoever was                                        Whoever was absent on that last day,
        absent on that last day, March 13th, I personally delivered their                                     March 13th, I personally delivered their
        materials that afternoon. Parents were very appreciative and my                                       materials that afternoon.
        students got a kick out of seeing me on the streets of Keyport.

        The next week I decided to create a YouTube channel. It’s me
        reading books to my younger students, called Books With Mr. Ben-
        nett. It was something silly and fun and a way for me to connect                                      I posted the read alouds on teachers’
        to them, to let them know that I was still thinking of them. I post-                                  Google Classrooms and Class Dojos.
        ed the read alouds on teachers’ Google Classrooms and Class
        Dojos. Many students commented on how much they loved the
        read alouds, and even one parent tweeted a video of her children
        laughing while listening to me read. Good stuff.
        Recently, I tweeted a picture of myself holding a sign with the slo-                                  We as an administration team, deliv-
        gan mentioned above as another way to connect with the school                                         ered a little something to every teacher
        community and community at large. Many teachers and students                                          in Keyport Schools on the last day of
        retweeted with a version of their own. It’s important to me to let                                    Teacher Appreciation Week.
        everyone know that not only am I still thinking of them, but that we
        are all still thinking of each other.
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