Page 43 - DistanceLearning
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we deployed a survey to our students to learn what was working other. Setting up virtual meetings
for them in this new environment and focus on the opportunities, with a twist to maintain a high level Virtual Lunch Hours,
with their voice, to engage our learners. Here are our top five take- of support and camaraderie helped Spirit Days, and Yoga
aways for focusing on succinct learning practices and promoting us to develop stronger support sys- Sessions with our
collaboration and connection with students: tems. Virtual Coffee Hours with our Students helped us to
Identify a point person on a team to communicate with students Counselors, Virtual Mindfulness and maintain a positive
who need extra support so that communication is streamlined. We Yoga Sessions with Staff helped us school culture and
realized that without the in-person prompting and conversation, to connect with each other outside check-in with our
many of our students needed one teacher or staff member with of planning lessons and conferences students.
whom they had a connection to guide them in managing assign- and support our well-being.
ments or staying on-task. Our I&RS Team provided the conduit Virtual Lunch Hours, Spirit Days, and Yoga Sessions with our Stu-
for making that connection, and we identified key members and dents helped us to maintain a positive school culture and check-in
assigned them to students that needed support. with our students. Holding online challenges, and posting them to
Keep written instructions to a minimum. A few key sentences or Twitter and Instagram, like TikTok dances by the Principal, creating
using a video to explain and model what students need to do can family messages of positivity, “The Masked Teacher” Twitter Link
do the trick. Monitoring the plethora of notifications on Google and sending daily positive messages both in print and via video
Classroom can be daunting, but by simplifying instructions it was (Weekly Broadcast May 3rd Weekly Broadcast April 20th Message
easier for our students to understand the objective or requirement to Our Families) supported our commitment to strong communica-
of the task. tion between home and school.
Providing models and checklists help students self-monitor work. Still faced with the uncertainty of how schools will reopen in the
We all benefit from having a checklist or To-Do List so providing coming months, remote learning has opened a door of opportunity
our students with similar checklists was beneficial in helping to for us. Our second take-away is that we must re-imagine our prac-
self-start or complete assignments and tasks. tices. In the words of Margaret Wheatley, “As we work together to
restore hope for the future, we need to include a new and strange
Think of assignments that get students away from the screen. The ally — our willingness to be disturbed.”
shift to remote learning has shed light on the increased amount of
screentime for both students and adults. Encourage students to Our previous practices and ways of operating have been disturbed
create and move when they can. Our Physical Education teachers in the past three months. Our thinking has been disrupted and
posted videos of DIY obstacle courses and challenges by our staff caused us to create new paths to learning through blended and
on Twitter, and our Social Studies teachers posted scavenger hunts flipped models of instruction that have now become standard,
to obtain items around the house and share the work afterward. meaningful, and specific feedback to support our learners, revised
Focus on our why. Planning for remote learning had us reflect curricula, and virtual professional development to support our
teachers and staff. We have found new ways of making meaning
deeply on the question of why do students need to know this? It for our students and new ways to support our students. We have
helped us to narrow the purpose of the task and engage students found opportunities to laugh and be vulnerable in these new ways
in meaningful learning. Communicating the why, what, and how to of working. Our typical instructional and operational practices have
students for assignments added depth and purpose. been re-defined for us, it is now our opportunity to re-imagine
Collaboration with our colleagues was essential throughout this learning for our students.
journey and we learned that constant communication was key to
continuing to promote a positive school culture and support each