Page 45 - DistanceLearning
P. 45

As an ESL teacher in Holmdel, New Jersey and                             age of canoodling either.
        a mother of two, I have seen first-hand how                              But then Covid-19 happened,          Our SPCA facilitated
                                                                                                                      connections with special-
        helpful reading aloud can be to boost reading                            and like everything else, our        ly-trained service dogs to
                                                                                 Read to a Dog time came to an
        skills and English language acquisition. But I nev-                      end. Luckily, however, an as-        come into my class once
        er thought to add a dog into the equation. As it turns out, reading      sistant principal, Jessica Vier-     a month for one-on-one
        to a dog can reap additional rewards for students learning to read.      schilling, volunteered to contin-    reading time with my ELLs.
        I quickly learned about its benefits when I reached out to my local      ue our Read to a Dog time with       In no time, the students
        SPCA about their Read to a Dog program for schools and librar-           our ELLs and her dogs using          were hooked as well.
        ies. Research shows when students read to dogs, it improves their  Google Meet. Now, every other
        reading fluency, self-confidence, public speaking skills and their       week, our students sign up for a scheduled time using a shared
        attitude towards reading. Not to mention, it is a natural stress re-     Google Doc. They pick a book from their home library or from one
        liever. My first, second and third grade English Language Learners  of our online resources. At their scheduled time, each student logs
        need all of that. The ELLs in our program at Village Elementary          into our “meeting” and reads to our Assistant Principal’s dogs, who
        School represent six different languages with proficiency levels         sit comfortably on their pet beds and look at the computer screen.
        ranging from “entering” to “expanding” according to the WIDA             A little petting and attention helps things go smoothly too.
        standards. After reading some studies on the Read to a Dog pro-          We haven’t done any studies on how much our ELLs’ skills have
        gram and its advantages, I was hooked.                                   improved as a result of the Read to a Dog program, nor if it has

        Our SPCA facilitated connections with specially-trained service          helped to relieve any stress. And of course, reading to a dog on a
        dogs to come into my class once a month for one-on-one reading           computer is not the same as reading to one in person, yet we are
        time with my ELLs. In no time, the students were hooked as well.         still seeing positive results. Our students are excited to read each
        Each student picked out leveled reading books from our class             time. Our students are carefully picking out books to enjoy. They
        library to match their interests and reading level. Each child had       are reading to the dogs with fluency and expression in their voices.
        a designated amount of time in a private and cozy corner of the          And in this current climate, who couldn’t benefit from a little one-
        room with a dog and his owner. The children read their books and         on-one time with a furry friend?
        shared the pictures with their canine reading buddy. Fluency im-
        proved and reading had an exciting purpose. There was no short-

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